benhallouk / martian-robots

martian robots solution with further design enhancment

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Martian Robots Code Challenge

In my solution to the Martian Robots I used pure TDD (red, green, refactor) and allowed myself only 3h to get as much code resolving the given problem so the code itself so yet code to be refactored as mentioned below

Further refactoring

If i allowed myself more time on the challenge here is what I would implement:

State pattern

I would encapsulating the behaviours within state objects to remove statement conditions and change object state in context to trigger its behaviour.


Oriontation would be an type that implement IOriontation and embed turn left and right in the object

Remove coupling

I would relay on interfaces and not instantiate any object but instead inject any dependencies it as parameter


    public Rover(IOrientation orientation, ILandscape landscape) {
        this.orientation = orientation;
        this.landscape = landscape;

Other design improvements

Here is some of the design improvements that could be yet implemented, did not list all of what could be done but here is the major and top issue

DRY principle

remove logical code duplication


canMoveYBackward and canMoveXBackward

SRP principle

remove long methods that does more than one thing


getSampleOutput is loading file processing the input and reporting it back

Primitive obsession

remove primitive types that can be used as substitution of classes


Introduce Coordinate use rover.setCoordinate(coordinates instead of rover.setCoordinate(x, y)


martian robots solution with further design enhancment


Language:Java 100.0%