bendoh / quokka_ng

:hamster: WIP - QuokkaCMS New Generation - Refactor from scratch using TinyDB

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Quokka CMS


The Happiest CMS in the world

Quokka CMS is a Content Management System written in Python.

A lightweight framework to build websites, portals, blogs, applications and anything related to publishing content to the web.


  • Web based content management admin interface
  • Multiple content formats (markdown, rst, html, plaintext)
  • Compatibility with any of the Pelican Themes
  • Flat file NoSQL database TinyDB or optionally MongoDB for scale deployments
  • Host the Quokka server or generate a static website
  • Extensible via modules/plugins
  • Powered by Python, Flask, Flask-Admin, TinyMongo and Pelican Themes

Quick Start

Install quokka

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install quokka

NOTE: QuokkaCMS requires Python 3.6+

Start a project

$ quokka init NewWebsite --theme=flex --modules=gitpages,heroku
🐹 Quokka project created 🐹
πŸ“ Name: NewWebsite
πŸ“ Location: /tmp/newwebsite
πŸ“š Template: default
🎨 Themes: flex theme installed
🚚 Modules: [gitpages, heroku] installed
πŸ”§ Config: Config file written in /tmp/newwebsite/quokka.yml
➑ Go to /tmp/newwebsite
βš™ run `quokka runserver` to start!
πŸ“„ Check the documentation on
🐹 Happy Quokka! 🐹

YES! it outputs emojis 🐹

The above command will generate your project in myproject folder as:

β”œβ”€β”€ databases        # TinyDB database files (gitignored)
β”œβ”€β”€ modules          # Custom modules to load on EXTRA_EXTENSIONS
β”œβ”€β”€ static_build     # output static site
β”œβ”€β”€ themes           # Front-end Themes (Pelican and Quokka Themes supported)
β”œβ”€β”€ uploads          # Media uploaded via admin
β”œβ”€β”€ .gitignore       # gitignore to exclude sensitive files
β”œβ”€β”€ quokka.yml       # Project settings
β”œβ”€β”€ .secrets.yml     # To store keys, tokens and passwords (gitignored)
└──          # To deploy `gunicorn wsgi:app`

You can optionally pass arguments:

Choose existing theme (the default is Malt)

quokka init mywebsite --theme

Install modules

quokka init mywebsite --theme --modules="commerce,foo"

the above looks for quokka_commerce and quokka_foo in PyPI and installs it

Set important configurations

quokka init mywebsite --theme --config="auth_enabled=false"

That is optional, you have to edit quokka.yml to tune your settings.

Run your website

quokka runserver --port 5000

Access admin interface


Access your site



You can deploy your Quokka Website in a WSGI server

Check the and refer to it when deploying in wsgi servers.

cd myproject
gunicorn wsgi:app -w 4 -b ""

An example of supervisord config

command=/myproject/venv/bin/gunicorn wsgi:app -w 4 -b ""

For more information read Gunicorn documentation

Publish Static HTML website

NOTE: To generate a static website all user management, keys and passwords will be removed from settings.

You can generate a static HTML website to host anywhere

Once you have your website running locally you can easily generate a static HTML website from it.

$ quokka publish --static [--output path]
Generating static HTML website on ./static_build folder

Once you have a ./static_build folder populated with static website you can deploy it using SCP, FTP or git, it is a full static website.

Deploying to github pages from command line

NOTE: You need either ssh key access to github or it will ask login/password

quokka publish --static --git=rochacbruno/mysite --branch=gh_pages

The above is also available in admin under 'publish' menu.

Deploying via SCP

quokka publish --static --scp --dest='me@hostname:/var/www/mysite' [--sshkey ~/.ssh/key] [--password xyz]
password : ...

Deploying to Heroku

This requires heroku client installed, if Procfile is not found it will be generated

quokka publish --static --heroku --options

Deploying via FTP

quokka publish --static --ftp --host='' --dest='/var/www/mysite'

Load database from remote deployment (only for TinyDB)

When you publish a static website along with the static files the database also goes to the server under the databases/ folder only as a backup and snapshot.

You can load that remote database locally e.g: to add new posts and then re-publish

quokka restoredb --remote --git=rochacbruno/mysite
Creating a backup of local database...
Downloading remote database
Restoring database..

Now you can run quokka runserver open your localhost:5000/admin write new content and then Publish website again using command line or admin interface.

NOTE: If you want to restore a local database use --local and --path path/to/db

Using MongoDB

You can choose to use MongoDB instead of TinyDB, That is useful specially if you deploy or local instance has more than one admin user concurrently and also useful if you want to install plugins which support MongoDB only (because it relies on aggregations and gridfs)

You only need a running instance of Mongo server and change quokka.yml:DB on your project from:

    system: tinydb
    folder: databases


    system: mongodb
    name: my_database
    port: 2600

Then when running quokka again it will try to connect to that Mongo Server.

With that you can deploy your site on wsgi server or can also generate static website.

Running mongo in a Docker container

cd your_quokka_project_folder
docker run -d -v $PWD/databases:/data/db -p 27017:27017 mongo
# wait some seconds until mongo is started
quokka runserver

Contributing to Quokka CMS Development

Do you want to be part of this open-source project?

Take a look at Contributing Guidelines

Setup a contributor environment

Ensure you have Python3.6+ clone this repo and:

git clone$YOURNAME/quokka_ng
cd quokka_ng

# create a Python3.6 virtual env
make create_env

# activate the venv
. venv/bin/activate

# install Quokka in --editable mode (using flit)
make install

# run quokka
make devserver

Access http://localhost:5000/admin and http://localhost


This is the list of tasks to be completed until 1.0.0 can be released. support 100% coming only for malt and bootstrap3 themes

This list is also available on

  • variable map (from content to theme)
  • list only categories with content in menu
  • handle spaces in category names/tagnames slugify?
  • categories page
  • tags/tag page
  • authors/author page
  • Show pretty name of category/tag in category/tag page
  • optionally prettify datetime
  • date formatting from settings
  • content art/page comment attr
  • list only pages with 'show_in_menu' metadata on menu
  • list only categories with 'show_in_menu' metadata on menu (will require metadata admin)
  • sort options for menu
  • optional footer elements on malt
  • custom footer element by CONFIG_VAR (FOOTER_ELEMENTS:{1:'text'})
  • create a EXCLUDE_FROM_MENU variable
  • create MENU_MAX_ITEMS: int
  • @author profile page (customizable)
  • feeds
  • sitemap
  • search
  • archives (date grouped content)
  • Custom TinyDB serializators from modules
  • admin config overrides
  • split categories by / to get all roots
  • content extra fields
  • content custom metadata
  • content translations
  • content avatars
  • dynamic theme per category (deal cache..)
  • implement pre-render and post-renders
  • replacement marks [[x:y]]
  • preview should require login
  • admin: search
  • admin: actions
  • admin: move content creation logic and defaults to model.Content
  • admin: WYSIWYG editors
  • admin: rst format
  • admin: asciidoc format
  • admin: media upload
  • admin: actions
  • admin: links in columns
  • admin: solve select2 submit on enter problem
  • admin: user management
  • admin: make content type optional field (only when admin class do not provide a default)
  • admin: scaffold to enable list editing
  • admin: adapt ajax to pymongo
  • admin: requires login by default
  • admin: requires login if running external
  • admin: load content formats from plugin
  • cli: ensure and write test for installation (tox)
  • cli: init should copy secrets file
  • cli: dynaconf should ignore missing file error
  • cli: if no SECRET_KEY random have to be created (simplelogin?)
  • cli: decorations
  • cli: click completion
  • cli: module custom commands
  • cli: fetch modules
  • cli: fetch themes
  • cli: cookiecutter project
  • cli: pack templates
  • cli: deploy base system
  • cli: deploy github
  • cli: deploy ftp
  • cli: deploy scp
  • cli: deploy heroku
  • cli: deploy pythonanywhere
  • Docker
  • themes: find a way to download single pelican-themes
  • fix some pelican unrendered footers
  • allow dynamic favicons
  • create tinydb debug toolbar
  • mdBook documentation
  • replace flit and find a better way to release
  • import scripts (quokka old, wordpress, feed)
  • handle extensions for static file and generate it based on rules
  • redirect system for old site migrations


  • Fresh install from then access admin and create and publish an article, access the article and navigate in site then go back to admin and create a page (dont publish) go to site and article is gone. Why creating a new page removes the article?


:hamster: WIP - QuokkaCMS New Generation - Refactor from scratch using TinyDB



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