benbjohnson / sqlite-bench

Miscellaneous Go/SQLite benchmarks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains a small Go program for performing simple, microbenchmarks of writes to a SQLite database. It is not meant to be representative of real world use but is meant to give a general ballpark of performance numbers given different journaling settings.


The following results were obtained on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017), 2.3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, with an APPLE SSD SM0128L disk.

Journal mode DELETE

$ sqlite-bench -batch-count 1000 -batch-size 1000 -row-size 100 -journal-mode delete ~/bench.db
Inserts:   1000000 rows
Elapsed:   3.153s
Rate:      317175.758 insert/sec
File size: 110993408 bytes

Journal mode WAL, Synchronous FULL

sqlite-bench -batch-count 1000 -batch-size 1000 -row-size 100 -journal-mode wal ~/bench.db
Inserts:   1000000 rows
Elapsed:   3.131s
Rate:      319398.103 insert/sec
File size: 110993408 bytes

Journal mode WAL, Synchronous NORMAL

sqlite-bench -batch-count 1000 -batch-size 1000 -row-size 100 -journal-mode wal -synchronous normal ~/bench.db
Inserts:   1000000 rows
Elapsed:   2.544s
Rate:      393045.303 insert/sec
File size: 110993408 bytes

Journal mode WAL, Synchronous OFF

This mode is completely unsafe. Please do not actually run this.

sqlite-bench -batch-count 1000 -batch-size 1000 -row-size 100 -journal-mode wal -synchronous off ~/bench.db
Inserts:   1000000 rows
Elapsed:   2.093s
Rate:      477827.165 insert/sec
File size: 110993408 bytes


Miscellaneous Go/SQLite benchmarks


Language:Go 100.0%