benaston / unix-cheat-sheet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


for server in cat prd/host_list; do echo "Checking $server"; ssh -q $server "cd /opt/eFX/apps/uuiprd/common/bin; cat deployment_scripts_version.txt"; done

Make a file executable: chmod a+x <filename>

Switch to superuser: suod su - (the dash I think means current user)

Current time: date

List directory in order of modified: ls -ltr

Configure a cron job: crontab -e then 1 (minute) 0 (hour) * * 3 (day of week) username <script path>

Show processes on each port: lsof

List all processes: ps aux | grep cron

Restart service: service crond restart

Repeat a command every n seconds: watch -n n <command>


End of file: shift+g Start of file: shift+h

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    #invoicee::before {
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            <section id="dates">
                <div data-type='annotated' id="date">
                <div data-type='annotated' id="due">
        	<section id="orgs">
                <div data-type='annotated' id="invoicee">
                    iKas Recruitment
                <div data-type='annotated' id="invoicer">
           Software Development Limited
                    <th>Unit Cost</th>
                    <td>Consultancy Services</td>
                    <td>1 GBP</td>
                    <td>Consultancy Services</td>
                    <td>1 GBP</td>
                    <td>Consultancy Services</td>
                    <td>1 GBP</td>
            <section id="company-name">
       Software Development Limited.
            <section id="registered-office">
                Registered office: Beech House Tydehams Newbury Berkshire, RG14 6JT.


