ben-ng / checkmate

Just some silly

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Package Outline

|- boards
   |- ChessBoard
      |- StandardChessBoard
|- games
   |- ChessGame
      |- StandardChessGame
|- pieces
   |- ChessPiece
      |- Rook
      |- Knight
      |- Bishop
      |- Queen
      |- King
      |- Pawn
   |- behaviors
      |- UnobstructedBehavior
         |- RookBehavior   --\
         |                    >-- QueenBehavior -> KingBehavior    
         |- BishopBehavior --/
|- Player

Object Tree

|- ChessBoard
   |- ChessPiece
   |- ChessPiece
   |- ...



ChessPieces extend from com.ben.chess.pieces.ChessPiece and should mostly concern themselves with overriding the canMove function.


Besides the Knight and Pawn, the other pieces in Chess share a lot in common. For example, a Queen is a mix of a Bishop and Rook. A King is just a Queen that can only move in a radius of 1.

Behaviors are reusable bits of logic that make overriding canMove simpler. For example, you can use RookBehavior to allow a piece to move in straight lights. Another common behavior is UnobstructedBehavior, which stops a piece from passing through other pieces.

As a bonus, behavior tests can be "stacked" too, which means you can assert that a Queen behaves like a Rook and Bishop instead of copying bits and pieces of both test suites over.


ChessBoards extend from com.ben.chess.boards.ChessBoard and are two dimensional arrays of ChessBoardCell. They should override getBoard to define the playing field.


Games extend from, which implements a game loop and rules common to most chess variants. The move method should be overridden to modify game logic.


You can diff the GUI output with the reference images in tests

Start a chess game.

  • White should be on top
  • There should be a row of pawns on each side
  • There should be a rook on each corner
  • Next to the rooks should be a knight
  • Next to each knight should be a bishop
  • Between the bishops should be a Queen and a King

Move white's fourth leftmost pawn down one cell Move black's third leftmost pawn up one cell Move white's queen to check black's king

  • There should be a red stroke around black's king
  • Moving any piece other than the second leftmost pawn should be an invalid move
  • Moving the second leftmost pawn up one cell should end the check and clear the red stroke

Click surrender

  • Black should be given the option to accept a tie
  • If yes, the score should remain the same
  • If no, black should have one point, while white has zero


Just some silly


Language:Java 100.0%