ben-aaron188 / covid19worry

The COVID-19 Real World Worry Datasets

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The COVID-19 Real World Worry Datasets

This repo contains the data and variable descriptions on the Real World Worry Datasets.

Papers on this dataset:

  • [1]M. Mozes, I. van der Vegt, and B. Kleinberg, ‘A repeated-measures study on emotional responses after a year in the pandemic’, arXiv:2107.03466 [cs], Nov. 2021, Accessed: Nov. 24, 2021. [Online]. Available: (in press at Scientific Reports)
  • [2]B. Kleinberg, I. van der Vegt, and M. Mozes, ‘Measuring Emotions in the COVID-19 Real World Worry Dataset’, presented at the ACL-NLP-COVID19 2020, Online, Jul. 2020. Accessed: Nov. 02, 2020. [Online]. Available:
  • [3]I. van der Vegt and B. Kleinberg, ‘Women Worry About Family, Men About the Economy: Gender Differences in Emotional Responses to COVID-19’, in Social Informatics, vol. 12467, S. Aref, K. Bontcheva, M. Braghieri, F. Dignum, F. Giannotti, F. Grisolia, and D. Pedreschi, Eds. Cham: Springer, 2020, pp. 397–409. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-60975-7_29.

Contact: bennett.kleinberg [at]

These projects are also available with on the World Pandemic Research Network:

Repo structure

  • main
    • data_phase_1
      • files
        • meta
        • texts
          • short (n=2500)
          • long (n=2500)
      • files_clean
        • liwc
        • meta
        • texts
          • short (n=2491)
          • long (n=2491)
    • data_repeated_measures
      • meta (n=1698)
      • texts
        • phase1
          • long
          • short
        • phase2
          • long
          • short

The directory ./data_phase_1/files contains all 5000 texts, while ./data_phase_1/files_clean contains those after the exclusion of 9 participants (as reported in the paper). Note: the LIWC data were only extracted on the "cleaned" data.

Variable codebook

Variable name Type Meaning
startdate time stamp Time of starting the task
enddate time stamp Time of submitting the task
duration numeric Duration in seconds
worry numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
chosen_emotion string Choice of emotion that best represented their feeling
anger numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
disgust numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
fear numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
anxiety numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
sadness numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
happiness numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
relaxation numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
desire numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high)
text_long string Text input on long text (500 chars. minumum)
text_short string Text input on Tweet-sized text (280 chars. maximum)
self_rating_general numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high) - how well they could express their feelings in text in general
self_rating_short numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high) - how well they could express their feelings in the short text
self_rating_long numeric 9-point scale rating (1=low, 9=high) - how well they could express their feelings in the long text
twitter_general_often numeric 9-point scale rating (1=rarely, 9=very often) - how often they are on Twitter
twitter_tweet_often numeric 9-point scale rating (1=rarely, 9=very often) - how often they tweet on Twitter
twitter_participate_often numeric 9-point scale rating (1=rarely, 9=very often) - how often they participate in conversations on Twitter
eng_native string Whether English is their native language (Yes, No, No but fluent)

Note: in the repeated measures version of the dataset, the variables from phase 1 (April 2020) are denoted as "[VARIABLE]_wave1" and those from phase 2 (April 2021) as "[VARIABLE]_wave2". The "delta" variables are the difference between the values from these two measurements (i.e. phase 2 - phase 1).


The COVID-19 Real World Worry Datasets

License:GNU General Public License v3.0