beloglazov / vim-textobj-punctuation

A Vim text object from the cursor position to the closest punctuation in front

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vim-textobj-punctuation is a Vim plugin providing text objects iu and au (u stands for pUnctuation, as p is already taken for paragraphs) for capturing the text between the current cursor position and a punctuation character in front. This punctuation character can be one of: ,, ., :, ;, !, and ?. The text object can span multiple lines to reach the closest punctuation character. Some examples (the cursor is shown with |):

  • Before: String |foo = "bar";; after pressing diu: String |;
  • Before: if |i == 42:; after pressing diu: if |:
  • Before: Vim is |a nice editor!; after pressing ciuthe best editor ever: Vim is the best editor ever!


This plugin requires vim-textobj-user to be installed. If you are using Vundle, just add the following lines to your .vimrc:

Bundle 'kana/vim-textobj-user'
Bundle 'beloglazov/vim-textobj-punctuation'

Then run :BundleInstall to install the plugins.


As most of the time, you need to operate on the text until punctuation, I add the following bindings to make it even more convenient to use:

xmap u iu
omap u iu

Now, you just need to press cu, du, yu, or vu to operate on the text until the closest punctuation.

Enjoy! :)


Copyright (c) Anton Beloglazov. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.


A Vim text object from the cursor position to the closest punctuation in front


Language:Vim Script 95.8%Language:Ruby 4.2%