belltoy / erlzk

A Pure Erlang ZooKeeper Client (no C dependency)

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erlzk is A Pure Erlang ZooKeeper Client (no C dependency).

NOTE: You should be familiar with Zookeeper and have read the Zookeeper Programmers Guide before using erlzk.

ATTENTION: ZooKeeper latest stable v3.4.6 removed create2 function, but it works fine in v3.4.5 or current developing v3.5.0 (ZooKeeper added it again).


  • Clear and concise API
  • Connection state changing monitor
  • Data and child watchers
  • Support for latest Zookeeper servers
  • Pure Erlang based implementation of the wire protocol


Download the sources from our Github repository

To build the application simply run make. This should build .beam, .app files.

To run tests, run make test.

To generate doc, run make doc.

Or add it to your rebar config

{deps, [
    {erlzk, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "v0.6.2"}}}

Or add it to your mix.exs dependencies in your elixir project:

def deps do
    [{:erlzk, "~> 0.6.2"}]

Basic Usage

The basic usage of erlzk is:

Start erlzk

erlzk is an OTP application. You have to start it first before using any of the functions.

To start in the console run:

$ erl -pa ebin
1>> erlzk:start().

It will start erlzk and all of the application it depends on:


Or add erlzk to the applications property of your .app in a release.

Connect to ZooKeeper

Begin to leverage the ZooKeeper, you need to connect to it first.

The simplest way is use erlzk:connect/2, the parameters are ServerList and Timeout, the format of ServerList are [{Host, Port}], the server list will be shuffled every time erlzk make a connection to one of the servers, timeout is used by the ZooKeeper cluster to determine when the client's session expires, the valid value is 2 to 20 times of the ticktime, if it's not in this range, ZooKeeper will pick a proper one for you, in order to keep the connection erlzk will send a ping message if no other message sent in a third of negotiated timeout.

{ok, Pid} = erlzk:connect([{"localhost", 2181}], 30000).

Or you can use erlzk:connect/3 or erlzk:connect/4 for more options, the options parameter is a proplists, support 5 option types:

  • chroot: specify a node under which erlzk will operate on
  • disable_watch_auto_reset: whether to disable resetting of watches after reconnection, default is false
  • disable_expire_reconnect: whether to disable reconnection after a session has expired, default is false
  • auth_data: the auths need to be added after connected
  • monitor: a process receiving the message of connection state changing

If you set monitor, each time erlzk is disconnected or reconnected or (reconnected after) session expired, will send monitor a message in the form of {State, Host, Port}, there are 3 states:

  • disconnected
  • connected
  • expired
{ok, Pid} = erlzk:connect([{"localhost", 2181}], 30000, [{chroot, "/zk"},
														 {auth_data, [{"digest", <<"foo:bar">>}],
                                                         {monitor, Monitor}]).

NOTE: After session expired, erlzk can reset watches if disable_watch_auto_reset is false, but all ephemeral nodes you created will be deleted by ZooKeeper, it's your program's duty to rebuild it, so it's highly recommended to use monitor.

Once connected, erlzk will attempt to stay connected regardless of intermittent connection loss or Zookeeper session expiration (unless the option disable_expire_reconnect was supplied with the value true. Your program can be instructed to drop a connection by calling erlzk:close/1:


Commuticate with ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper has several API to commuticate with. Below is a simple example, more details see module erlzk or test.

% Include the hrl first

% Create a node with the given path, return the actual path of the node
{ok, "/a"} = erlzk:create(Pid, "/a").

% Determine if a node exists, return the stat of the node
{ok, Stat} = erlzk:exists(Pid, "/a").

% Update the data for a given node, use the current version of the node for data security
{ok, _Stat} = erlzk:set_data(Pid, "/a", <<"b">>, Stat#stat.version).

% Get the data of the node
{ok, {<<"b">>, _Stat}} = erlzk:get_data(Pid, "/a").

% Add a auth, username is "foo", password is "bar"
ok = erlzk:add_auth(Pid, "foo", "bar").

% Set the ACL of the node, now only the creator has all the permissions
{ok, _Stat} = erlzk:set_acl(Pid, "/a", ?ZK_ACL_CREATOR_ALL_ACL).

% Get the ACL of the node, Acl should equals to [{rwcdr,"digest",erlzk:generate_digest("foo", "bar")}]
{ok, {Acl, _Stat}} = erlzk:get_acl(Pid, "/a")).

% Create some children of the node
{ok, "/a/a0000000000"} = erlzk:create(P, "/a/a", persistent_sequential).
{ok, "/a/b"} = erlzk:create(P, "/a/b").

% Get the children of the node, Children should include "a0000000000" and "b"
{ok, Children} = erlzk:get_children(P, "/a").

% Delete the node, delete all the children before parent
ok = erlzk:delete(Pid, "/a/a0000000000").
ok = erlzk:delete(Pid, "/a/b").
ok = erlzk:delete(Pid, "/a").

Set Watchers

Some functions likeerlzk:exists/3, erlzk:get_data/3, erlzk:get_children/3, erlzk:get_children2/3 accept a watcher, it's your program's process, used for receiving ZooKeeper watch events.

If erlzk:get_data/3, erlzk:get_children and erlzk:get_children2/3 call returns any thing other than {ok, _}, the watches won't be set. For erlzk:exists/3, only {ok, _} and {error, no_node} returns will set the watches.

A successful erlzk:create/5 will trigger all the watches left on the node of the given path by erlzk:exists/3 and the watches left on the parent node by erlzk:get_children/3.

NOTE: The ZooKeeper official client implementation is confused. In its implementation, both node_data_changed event and node_created will trigger data watches(get_data) and exist watches(exists) together. But in the ZooKeeper server, the watch won't be added if there is no node for get_data call. In our implementation, we follow the semantics of watches.

A successful erlzk:delete/3 will trigger all the watches left on the node of the given path by erlzk:exists/3 and erlzk:get_data/3 and erlzk:get_children/3, and the watches left on the parent node by erlzk:get_children/3.

A successful erlzk:set_data/4 will trigger all the watches on the node of the given path left by erlzk:exists/3 and erlzk:get_data/3 calls.

When erlzk receives a watch event, it will send a message to your watcher, the message is a tuple, in the form of {WatchEvent, RegisterPath}, RegisterPath is useful when you need to reset a new watcher, WatchEvent include:

  • node_created
  • node_deleted
  • node_data_changed
  • node_children_changed

NOTE: A watch object, or function/context pair, will only be triggered once for a given notification. For example, if the same watch object is registered for an exists and a getData call for the same file and that file is then deleted, the watch object would only be invoked once with the deletion notification for the file.

In erlzk, a watcher is a process, it will be trigger once for a given notification for the same path if it was set to receive multiple events. So here the format of tuple sent to watchers was changed from {RegisterOperate, RegisterPath, WatchEvent} to {WatchEvent, RegisterPath} since v0.6.0 .

NOTE: ZooKeeper watch event is one-time trigger, for more details about watch, read ZooKeeper Watches.

Simple example as follows:

% set an exists watch
erlzk:exists(Pid, "/a", spawn(fun() ->
            % receive a watch event
            {Event, Path} ->
                Path = "/a",
                Event = node_created
% create a node trigger the watch
{ok, "/a"} = erlzk:create(Pid, "/a").
Wather = spawn(fun() ->
        % receive a node deleted event
        {Event, Path} ->
            Path = "/a",
            Event = node_deleted

{ok, "/a"} = erlzk:create(Pid, "/a"),

% call exists and get_data to a same path with a same watcher
erlzk:exists(Pid, "/a", Watcher),
erlzk:get_data(Pid, "/a", Watcher),

% delete the node will trigger the watcher once
erlzk:delete(Pid, "/a").

API Specification

See erlzk.erl for more details, all the functions you need are in this module.


  • Fork this repository on github
  • Make your changes and send us a pull request
  • If we like them we'll merge them


Copyright (c) 2013 Mega Yu & Distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for further details.


A Pure Erlang ZooKeeper Client (no C dependency)



Language:Erlang 99.4%Language:Elixir 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%