beilyLan / CHRLINE


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



pip install CHRLINE

What is CHRLINE?
It is LINE Chrome API, just for debug

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About Project

This project is for debug only, because it does not use thrift

So I don't recommend you to use this to run the bot, even if it has many functions

What can it do?

If you have a certain degree of understanding of Line thrift, then you must have heard of TMoreCompact
But for most people, it is difficult to decompile TMoreCompact, even if it has lower confusion in some version
But if you can use this project to understand the differences in LINE thrift


We added the simple function of TMoreCompact for the first time on 26 May
And added TMoreCompact to the development version at Jul 8
It's based on the thrift of the LINE Android version
Its purpose is to effectively compress mid (32 bytes) to 16 bytes


from CHRLINE import *

cl = CHRLINE() # login

print('/S3 - len: %s' % len(cl.testTBinary()))
print('/S4 - len: %s' % len(cl.testTCompact()))
print('/S5 - len: %s' % len(cl.testTMoreCompact()))


> /S3 - len: 576
> /S4 - len: 528
> /S5 - len: 496

This shows that TMoreCompact has the best compression
If you want to write TMoreCompact, only need to sniff results and reverse engineer


  • Python 3.6
    • pycrypto
    • pycryptodome
    • xxhash
    • httpx[http2]
    • gevent


This project got their help directly/indirectly, thank them deeply

Function overview

  • E2EE SQR Login
  • E2EE Email Login
  • Services
    • TalkService
      • getEncryptedIdentity
      • getContact
      • getContacts
      • getGroup
      • getGroups
      • getGroupsV2
      • getCompactGroup
      • getChats
      • sendMessage
        • sendContact
        • sendLocation
        • sendCompactMessage
        • sendMessageWithChunks
      • getGroupIdsJoined
      • getGroupIdsInvited
      • getAllContactIds
      • getBlockedContactIds
      • getBlockedRecommendationIds
      • getAllReadMessageOps
      • getLastOpRevision
      • getServerTime
      • getConfigurations
      • fetchOps
      • deleteOtherFromChat
      • cancelChatInvitation
      • acceptChatInvitation
      • getContactsV2
      • acceptChatInvitationByTicket
      • getPreviousMessagesV2WithRequest
      • sendChatChecked
      • unsendMessage
      • findAndAddContactsByMid
      • inviteIntoChat
      • deleteSelfFromChat
      • findChatByTicket
      • updateChat
      • sendPostback
      • wakeUpLongPolling
      • getMessageBoxes
      • getMessageReadRange
      • getChatRoomAnnouncementsBulk
      • removeChatRoomAnnouncement
      • fetchOperations
      • unblockContact
      • blockContact
      • acquireEncryptedAccessToken
      • getCountries
      • createRoomV2
      • createChatRoomAnnouncement
      • getAllChatMids
      • reissueChatTicket
      • sendEchoPush
      • getRepairElements
      • getSettingsAttributes2
      • updateSettingsAttributes2
      • rejectChatInvitation
      • updateProfileAttribute
      • negotiateE2EEPublicKey
      • react
      • getE2EEPublicKey
      • getE2EEPublicKeys
      • getE2EEPublicKeysEx
      • registerE2EEPublicKey
      • registerE2EEGroupKey
      • getE2EEGroupSharedKey
      • getLastE2EEGroupSharedKey
      • getLastE2EEPublicKeys
      • requestE2EEKeyExchange
      • respondE2EEKeyExchange
      • createChat
      • updateRegion
      • getChatExistence
      • getChatMembership
      • setChatHiddenStatus
      • getReadMessageOps
      • getReadMessageOpsInBulk
      • getE2EEMessageInfo
      • getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList
      • getRecentMessages
      • getRecentMessagesV2
      • getPreviousMessageIds
      • getMessagesByIds
      • getMessageBoxesByIds
      • getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpListV2
      • getPreviousMessagesV2
      • getPreviousMessagesV2WithReadCount
      • getNextMessagesV2
      • getAllRoomIds
      • getCompactRooms
      • acquireCallTicket
      • isAbusive
      • removeBuddySubscriptionAndNotifyBuddyUnregistered
      • makeUserAddMyselfAsContact
      • getFollowers
      • getFollowings
      • removeFollower
      • follow
      • unfollow
      • bulkFollow
      • decryptFollowEMid
      • getChatRoomBGMs
      • updateChatRoomBGM
      • addSnsId
      • removeSnsId
      • getContactRegistration
      • getHiddenContactMids
      • blockRecommendation
      • unblockRecommendation
      • getRecommendationIds
      • sync (for IOS)
      • reissueTrackingTicket
      • updateChatRoomAnnouncement
      • getExtendedProfile
      • updateExtendedProfileAttribute
      • setNotificationsEnabled
      • findAndAddContactsByPhone
      • findAndAddContactsByUserid
      • syncContacts
      • getContactWithFriendRequestStatus
      • findContactsByPhone
      • findContactByUserid
      • findContactByMetaTag
      • findAndAddContactByMetaTag
      • updateContactSetting
      • getFavoriteMids
      • sendMessageAwaitCommit
      • findContactByUserTicket
      • invalidateUserTicket
      • unregisterUserAndDevice
      • checkCanUnregisterEx
      • verifyQrcode
      • reportAbuseEx
        • reportAbuseExWithMessage
        • reportAbuseExWithLineMeeting
      • getCountryWithRequestIp
      • updateProfileAttributes
      • updateNotificationToken
      • getRecentFriendRequests
      • notifyRegistrationComplete
      • noop
      • getAnalyticsInfo
      • isUseridAvailable
      • registerUserid
      • notifyUpdated
      • reportPushRecvReports
      • addToFollowBlacklist
      • removeFromFollowBlacklist
      • getFollowBlacklist
    • AccessTokenRefreshService
      • refreshAccessToken
      • reportRefreshedAccessToken
    • AccountAuthFactorEapConnectService
      • connectEapAccount
      • disconnectEapAccount
      • openAAFECSession
      • verifyEapLogin
    • AuthService
      • openAuthSession
      • getAuthRSAKey
      • setIdentifier
      • updateIdentifier
      • resendIdentifierConfirmation
      • confirmIdentifier
      • removeIdentifier
      • getClovaAppToken
      • loginFromClova
      • validateClovaRequest
      • setClovaCredential
      • validateClovaAppToken
      • verifyQrcodeWithE2EE
      • confirmE2EELogin
      • issueV3TokenForPrimary
    • BotExternalService
      • notifyOATalkroomEvents (WIP)
      • notifyChatAdEntry
    • BuddyService
      • getPromotedBuddyContacts
      • getBuddyDetailWithPersonal
      • getBuddyContacts
      • getBuddyTopView
      • getBuddyNewsView
      • getBuddyDetail
    • CallService
      • acquireCallRoute
      • acquireOACallRoute
      • searchPaidCallUserRate
      • acquirePaidCallCurrencyExchangeRate
      • lookupPaidCall
      • acquirePaidCallRoute
      • getPaidCallBalanceList
      • getPaidCallHistory
      • getCallCreditProducts
      • reserveCallCreditPurchase
      • getCallCreditPurchaseHistory
      • redeemPaidCallVoucher
      • getPaidCallMetadata
      • acquireGroupCallRoute
      • getGroupCall
      • inviteIntoGroupCall
      • markPaidCallAd
      • getPaidCallAdStatus
      • acquireTestCallRoute
      • getGroupCallUrls
      • createGroupCallUrl
      • deleteGroupCallUrl
      • updateGroupCallUrl
      • getGroupCallUrlInfo
      • joinChatByCallUrl
    • ChannelService
      • issueChannelToken
      • approveChannelAndIssueChannelToken
      • getChannelInfo
      • getCommonDomains
      • issueRequestTokenWithAuthScheme
      • getReturnUrlWithRequestTokenForAutoLogin
    • ChatAppService
      • getChatapp
      • getMyChatapps
    • E2EEKeyBackupService
      • createE2EEKeyBackup
      • getE2EEKeyBackupCertificates
      • getE2EEKeyBackupInfo
    • LiffService
      • issueLiffView
      • getLiffViewWithoutUserContext
      • issueSubLiffView
    • PrimaryAccountInitService
      • openPrimarySession
      • getCountryInfo
      • getPhoneVerifMethod
      • sendPinCodeForPhone
      • verifyPhone
      • validateProfile
      • exchangeEncryptionKey
      • setPassword
      • registerPrimaryUsingPhone
      • getPhoneVerifMethodV2
      • requestToSendPhonePinCode
      • verifyPhonePinCode
      • verifyAccountUsingPwd
      • registerPrimaryUsingPhoneWithTokenV3
      • registerPrimaryWithTokenV3
    • SearchService (WIP)
      • searchAll
      • searchCollection
      • searchLineat
      • searchByPopularCategory
      • searchByCategory
      • getPopularCategory
      • getNotice
      • getSearchSection
      • getAutocomplete
    • SecondaryPwlessLoginPermitNoticeService
      • checkPwlessPinCodeVerified
      • checkPaakAuthenticated
    • SecondaryPwlessLoginService
      • createPwlessSession
      • verifyLoginCertificate
      • requestPinCodeVerif
      • putExchangeKey
      • requestPaakAuth
      • getE2eeKey
      • pwlessLogin
      • pwlessLoginV2
    • SettingsService
      • getSetting
      • contextAgnosticGetSetting
      • setSetting
      • setSettingWithScope
      • resetSetting
      • searchSettings
      • contextAgnosticSearchSettings
      • bulkGetSetting
      • bulkSetSetting
    • ShopAuthService
      • establishE2EESession
    • ShopService
      • getProduct
      • getProductsByAuthor
      • getStudentInformation
      • canReceivePresent
      • getOwnedProductSummaries
      • getShowcaseV3
      • getProductV2
      • getProductByVersion
      • placePurchaseOrderForFreeProduct
      • placePurchaseOrderWithLineCoin
      • placePurchaseOrderWithIAP
      • getOwnedProducts
      • getPurchasedProducts
      • getReceivedPresents
      • getSentPresents
      • notifyProductEvent
      • getProductValidationScheme
      • validateProduct
      • getProductsByBillingItemId
      • getUpdates
      • searchProductsV2
      • getAggregatedHomeV2
      • getAggregatedHomeNative
      • getDynamicHomeNative
      • getAggregatedPremiumHome
      • getAggregatedShowcaseV4
      • getRecommendationForUser
      • getRecommendationList
      • getCategories
      • getResourceFile
      • getAutoSuggestionShowcase
      • getOldSticonMapping
      • getSuggestResourcesV2
    • SquareService
      • inviteIntoSquareChat
      • inviteToSquare
      • getJoinedSquares
      • markAsRead
      • reactToMessage
      • findSquareByInvitationTicket
      • fetchMyEvents
      • sendSquareMessage (text only)
      • fetchSquareChatEvents
      • getSquare
      • getJoinableSquareChats
      • createSquare
      • getSquareChatAnnouncements
    • SquareBotService
      • getSquareBot
    • ObsService
      • forwardObjectMsg
      • trainingImage
      • updateProfileImage
      • updateProfileCover
      • uploadObjHome
      • uploadObjTalk
      • uploadMultipleImageToTalk
    • TimelineService
      • MyHome
        • getProfileCoverDetail
        • updateProfileCoverById
        • sendContactV2
        • getProfileDetail
        • getTimelintTab
        • getSocialProfileDetail
        • getSocialProfileMediaDetail
        • updateProfileDetail
        • updateCmtLike
        • getTalkroomStatus
        • getHomeProfileBridge
      • Post
        • createPost
        • updatePost
        • deletePost
        • getPost
        • createComment
        • deleteComment
        • listComment
        • createLike
        • cancelLike
        • listLike
        • searchNote
        • sendPostToTalk
        • getHashtagPosts
        • getHashtagSuggest
        • getHashtagPopular
        • getTimelineUrl
        • getPostShareLink
        • getDiscoverRecommendFeeds
        • updateProfileCoverById2
        • getOACarousel
        • getPartlyBlockContacts
        • getClosedContacts
        • getHideContacts
        • getAutoOpenOption
        • getHideGrouphomeList
        • getNewpostStatus
        • getGroupProfileimageList
        • getUserProfile
        • getUserPopupDetail
        • syncBuddygroup
      • Album
        • changeGroupAlbumName
        • deleteGroupAlbum
        • addImageToAlbum
        • getAlbumImages
        • deleteAlbumImages
        • getAlbums
        • getAlbumUsers
      • Story (WIP)
        • uploadStoryObject (WIP)
        • createStoryContent (WIP)
        • getRecentstoryStory
        • sendMessageForStoryAuthor
        • getNewStory
      • Search
        • Search
      • Keep
        • syncKeep
      • GroupCallYT
        • getYouTubeVideos
        • getYouTubeVideosWithQuery
        • getYouTubeVideosWithPopular
        • getYouTubeVideosWithPlaylists
      • BDB
        • incrBDBCelebrate
        • cancelBDBCelebrate
        • getBDBBoard
        • likeBDBCard
        • unlikeBDBCard
        • createBDBCard
    • CubeService (beta)
      • issueBillSplitId
      • getBillSplitShareLink
      • getBillSplitSurvey
      • putBillSplitBills (test)
      • snedBillSplitBills
    • Others
      • returnTicket (test)
      • getModulesV2
      • getCountrySettingV4
      • getRSAKeyInfo
      • loginZ
      • loginV2



License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%