behruzbahromzoda97 / CreditCardMask

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A simple library for credit card number and expired data mask

In mobile wallets offen developers need to format credit card number and expired data with jetpack compose we can easyly implement it


To try out this sample app, you need to at least use the latest version of Android Studio. This project has been tested against Android Studio Artic Fox. You can download it here. In general, Jetpack Compose requires you to use the Canary version of Android Studio.


Each example is meant to be self contained and tries to explain all the concepts that its using with comments. Compose also comes with this nifty feature that lets you preview each component in the IntelliJ IDE itself. To do so, go to any of the examples and then click on the preview button in the top right corner. This is possible if your @Composable component has a corresponding @Preview method associated with it. Look at the examples below for all this to make a bit more sense.

Jetpack Compose Preview Functionality


Example Preview
Credit card number formatting in compose
Credit card expired data formatting in compose