Pandas Exercises Homework of Miuul Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp
################################################### Pandas Alıştırmalar# Pandas Exercises############################################################################################ Görev 1: Seaborn kütüphanesi içerisinden Titanic veri setini tanımlayınız.# Task 1: Identify the Titanic dataset from the Seaborn library.################################################################################### Görev 2: Yukarıda tanımlanan Titanic veri setindeki kadın ve erkek yolcuların sayısını bulunuz.# Task 2: Find the number of male and female passengers in the Titanic dataset described above.################################################################################### Görev 3: Her bir sutuna ait unique değerlerin sayısını bulunuz.# Task 3: Find the number of unique values for each column.################################################################################### Görev 4: pclass değişkeninin unique değerleri bulunuz.# Task 4: Find the unique values of the variable pclass.################################################################################### Görev 5: pclass ve parch değişkenlerinin unique değerlerinin sayısını bulunuz.# Task 5: Find the number of unique values of pclass and parch variables.################################################################################### Görev 6: embarked değişkeninin tipini kontrol ediniz. Tipini category olarak değiştiriniz. Tekrar tipini kontrol ediniz.# Task 6: Check the type of the embarked variable. Change its type to category. Check the repetition type.################################################################################### Görev 7: embarked değeri C olanların tüm bilgelerini gösteriniz.# Task 7: Show all the sages of those with embarked value C.################################################################################### Görev 8: embarked değeri S olmayanların tüm bilgelerini gösteriniz.# Task 8: Show all the sages of those whose embarked value is not S.################################################################################### Görev 9: Yaşı 30 dan küçük ve kadın olan yolcuların tüm bilgilerini gösteriniz.# Task 9: Show all the information for female passengers younger than 30 years old.################################################################################### Görev 10: Fare'i 500'den büyük veya yaşı 70 den büyük yolcuların bilgilerini gösteriniz.# Task 10: Show the information of passengers whose Fare is over 500 or 70 years old.################################################################################### Görev 11: Her bir değişkendeki boş değerlerin toplamını bulunuz.# Task 11: Find the sum of the null values in each variable.################################################################################### Görev 12: who değişkenini dataframe'den düşürün.# Task 12: drop the who variable from the dataframe.################################################################################### Görev 13: deck değikenindeki boş değerleri deck değişkenin en çok tekrar eden değeri (mode) ile doldurunuz.# Task 13: Fill the empty values in the deck variable with the most repeated value (mode) of the deck variable.################################################################################### Görev 14: age değikenindeki boş değerleri age değişkenin medyanı ile doldurun.# Task 14: Fill the empty values in the age variable with the median of the age variable.################################################################################### Görev 15: survived değişkeninin Pclass ve Cinsiyet değişkenleri kırılımınında sum, count, mean değerlerini bulunuz.# Task 15: Find the sum, count, mean values of the Pclass and Gender variables of the survived variable.################################################################################### Görev 16: 30 yaşın altında olanlar 1, 30'a eşit ve üstünde olanlara 0 vericek bir fonksiyon yazınız.# Yazdığınız fonksiyonu kullanarak titanik veri setinde age_flag adında bir değişken oluşturunuz oluşturunuz. (apply ve lambda yapılarını kullanınız)# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Task 16: Write a function that returns 1 for those under 30, 0 for those above or equal to 30.# Create a variable named age_flag in the titanic data set using the function you wrote. (use apply and lambda constructs)################################################################################### Görev 17: Seaborn kütüphanesi içerisinden Tips veri setini tanımlayınız.# Task 17: Define the Tips dataset from the Seaborn library.################################################################################### Görev 18: Time değişkeninin kategorilerine (Dinner, Lunch) göre total_bill değerlerinin toplamını, min, max ve ortalamasını bulunuz.# Task 18: Find the sum, min, max and average of the total_bill values according to the categories (Dinner, Lunch) of the Time variable.################################################################################### Görev 19: Günlere ve time göre total_bill değerlerinin toplamını, min, max ve ortalamasını bulunuz.# Task 19: Find the sum, min, max and average of total_bill values by days and time.################################################################################### Görev 20: Lunch zamanına ve kadın müşterilere ait total_bill ve tip değerlerinin day'e göre toplamını, min, max ve ortalamasını bulunuz.# Task 20: Find the sum, min, max and average of the total_bill and type values of the female customers, according to the day, for the lunch time.################################################################################### Görev 21: size'i 3'ten küçük, total_bill'i 10'dan büyük olan siparişlerin ortalaması nedir?# Task 21: What is the average of orders with size less than 3 and total_bill greater than 10?################################################################################### Görev 22: total_bill_tip_sum adında yeni bir değişken oluşturun. Her bir müşterinin ödediği totalbill ve tip in toplamını versin.# Task 22: Create a new variable called total_bill_tip_sum. Let him give the sum of the total bill and tip paid by each customer.################################################################################### Görev 23: total_bill_tip_sum değişkenine göre büyükten küçüğe sıralayınız ve ilk 30 kişiyi yeni bir dataframe'e atayınız.# Task 23: Sort the total_bill_tip_sum variable from largest to smallest and assign the first 30 people to a new dataframe.#########################################