beetrootpaul / beetpx

A TypeScript engine for pixel art browser games

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A TypeScript engine for pixel art browser games.

Getting Started

Add it to your project with:

npm install --save-dev --save-exact @beetpx/beetpx

It might make sense in a future to drop --save-exact flag, but for now better be safe than sorry – in this early phase of development the engine constantly evolves and quite often breaking changes are introduced.

ℹ️ 👉 There is a simple single-file example in ./examples/simple/src/beetpx.ts . Run it as described in its README.

Also, you might want to take a look at how following projects are using BeetPx:

game GitHub repository screenshot
Hat Escape beetrootpaul/hat-escape
Dart-07 beetrootpaul/dart-07-beetpx
Towers of Survival beetrootpaul/towers-of-survival-beetpx
Avoid Your Past beetrootpaul/avoid-your-past-beetpx

Game Controls

The BeetPx engine supports a following sets of game buttons and their mappings from physical devices:

game button keyboard DualSense controller Xbox controller
A C / J cross / triangle A / Y
B X / K circle / square B / X
menu P / return / esc menu menu
directions arrows / WSAD D-pad / sticks D-pad / sticks
mute/unmute M
full screen F

Other game controllers might works as well. For example, this engine has an implemented support for 8BitDo Lite 2.

There are also touch controls in form of GUI buttons resembling a physical ones. You can see and use them on touch devices like e.g. an iPhone.

Dev controls meant to be used by the game developer themselves and gated behind related engine config fields:

  • toggle debug:
    • on keyboard: ;
  • toggle frame-by-frame:
    • on keyboard: ,
  • jump to the next frame (only while in frame-by-frame mode):
    • on keyboard: .

To check if your controls work as expected, go to examples/input-tester, then run npm install, then npm start and test your controllers in an automatically opened browser tab.

API Documentation

For a nicely formatted list of API exposed by BeetPx run:

npm run docs

to open it in your default browser. In case of any issues, the website which is supposed to open is located under docs/index.html

⚠️ Please be aware the docs are very raw so far. There are mostly just a list of exposed types and classes and constants, and nothing more. This is something to be improved before 1.0 release.

Development Setup

This projects is developed on Node.js 18.

You might find it helpful to use nvm in order to make sure you use the same Node.js version as which is specified in .nvmrc.

There is no CI configured for this project. For now, it is developed by me only, and all tests as well as the compilation happen in a pre-commit hook.

The Origin

My idea for BeetPx came from a good time I had working on mini games in PICO-8. That fantasy consoles hit a very sweet spot for me: in PICO-8 you are creating low resolution pixel art games, to do so you use a globally available simple API, and all your creations can easily run in a desktop browser or a mobile one.

There are though some areas I would like differently:

  • I prefer to use a typed language and a one which follows a standard. In PICO-8 I had to use a custom version of Lua, which meant difficulties in finding a decent extension for an IDE of my choice.
  • PICO-8 has a token limit, which generally means a limit on how much code you are allowed to write and an incentive to use a short language constructs as possible rather than optimizing for a code maintenance. I understand this is a heated topic in PICO-8 community and I also see advantages of the limited approach – e.g. it helps to keep games low scoped and, in result finish them! Also, it is sometimes a real fun to come with clever solutions for hunting tokens down 😄. But when it comes to my personal preferences, I more often was frustrated by the token limit rather then enjoying it.
  • There is a minor issues with a browser build of PICO-8 games, where the long press of a in-game button on iOS Safari results with a system text selection to appear and prevents from playing a game smoothly. Of course, this is something I could work around by adjusting an HTML template exported from PICO-8. But since I decided to create my own engine, I am able to take care of browser iOS experience and do it the way I like.
  • Last but not least: I just wanted to have something created for public, available on npm, something I feel I am capable to do and can be proud of later ☺️

That being said, I am very grateful that PICO-8 exists and there is a big community around it. If not for PICO-8, BeetPx would never be created 💛



While you are able (and encouraged) to define your own font (as an implementation of BpxFont interface), there are 3 fonts ready to use in BeetPx out of the box:

  • font_pico8_ (the default one)
  • font_saint11Minimal4_
  • font_saint11Minimal5_

The first one is a font from PICO-8 fantasy console, available under a CC-0 license (public domain, free to use). For more info see:

Two other fonts are created by Saint11 and available on under a CC-0 license (public domain, free to use).

Color Palettes

There is a PICO-8 color palette ready to use, exported as rgb_p8_. That palette is created by zep and available under a CC-0 license (public domain, free to use). For more info see:

Random Notes

  • Gamepad input seems to be laggy (at least on Firefox), unsuitable for fast paced games.
  • It's good to avoid .forEach, .reduce and similar functions and use classic for loops instead. The former tend to have significantly worse performance due to an extra function call in each iteration.


A TypeScript engine for pixel art browser games

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 93.8%Language:HTML 3.7%Language:JavaScript 2.3%Language:Shell 0.3%