beersbr / cheetsheets

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Cheet Sheet !


Name Description info
Homebrew application manager akin to yum
Skitch screen shotting tool
Iterm3 terminal replacement
Dash Documentation withouth the internet

Common Shortcuts

domain key combination description example
cmd + space open spotlight search
cmd + tab swap between applications
`cmd + `` swap between application windows tab through mutliple finder windows
cmd + , open preferences window in almost any application
cmd + w close window will close chrome tab
cmd + t create new tab in alot of applications this works in finder
ctrl + t swap two characters' positions at => ta if cursor is in between them. works in terminal.
option + [left arrow, right arrow] skip cursor by word
cmd + [left arrow, right arrow] to beginning and end of line
cmd + [up arrow, down arrow] to beginning and end of contextual file (or page)
ctrl + [up arrow, down arrow] move between spaces
cmd + enter move current window to fullscreen space
cmd + shift + g Open path search box to jump to directory. Can be tab searched.
Terminal (iTerm)
ctrl + a Go to beginning of line
ctrl + e Go to end of line
ctrl + w deleted to beggining of previous word
ctrl + u deleted to beggining of line
ctrl + k deleted to end of line
ctrl + d split window vertically
ctrl + shift + d split window horizontally
open <ANYTHING> open, almost, anything with the approprate application open . open finder window in currend pwd
cmd + [left arrow, right arrow] back and forward through history

Sublime Text 3

Quick Setup

You can get these isntructions from:

  • Press ` ctrl + ``

  • Enter

import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = 'df21e130d211cfc94d9b0905775a7c0f' + '1e3d39e33b79698005270310898eea76'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)

Sublime text is a lot more fun to use with packages. First use the st console to install the package manager:

I have included my preferences and user-keymap. You can find both by looking in the preferences menu (on OSX). Some of the hotkeys use these files.

If you would to create custom key bindings every function is listed here:

I use several snippets for common things I type. A simple example would be todo and note. I have included both snippets in the repository. You can update them to include your name and put them in your ~Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/ directory. Then typing the snippet name and pressing tab will populate the typed text with the snippet. More documentation can be found here:

Building with sublime text is easy enough with custom configs. I will update the repo with my build system. For now you can find more info on that there:

These are just common commands that I use. Here is another list:

* adding shift to the commands reverse this command.

** holding shift will select the from cursor start to end of command

command info
`ctrl + `` open python st console
cmd + shift + p open command window. you can do all sorts of things with this. start typing to find out
option + cmd + p show file type in status bar. (lower left. Django Python shows python.source.django. This is important for snippets)
cmd + b build current file with current build system
cmd + / toggle comment of line or selection
cmd + shift + [ move to tab on left
cmd + shift + ] move to tab on right
cmd + d select word and matching words (will create multiple cursors)
cmd + shift + d duplicate selection or line if no selection
* cmd + g jump to next matching selection
ctrl + cmd + g find all of current selection
* cmd + enter add line below cursor and move cursor there (without mutating current line)
** option + [left arrow, right arrow] skip cursor by word
** option + ctrl + [left arrow, right arrow] skip cursor by word symbol (will move by camel caps and underscors)
cmd + t open fuzzy file finder
cmd + r open fuzzy symbol finder (within current file)
cmd + shift + r open fuzzy symbol finder (within current project)
ctrl + g goto line
cmd + l select entire line
cmd + [up arrow, down arrow] move cursor to beginning and end of file
ctrl + m move to beginning and end of current brackets scope
cmd + f open find window for current file. Press enter to move to found ngram. Press shift + enter to move backwards through them. Press esc to get rid of the window if it is open.
ctrl + shift + f open find window for project. This will open a new tab with the findings
ctrl + option + [up arrow, down arrow] move canvas up and down by a single line
cmd + shift + l create multiple cursors at the end of each line of current selection
cmd + [ unindent selection or line
cmd + ] indent selection or line
cmd + k, cmd + o clear bookmarks
cmd + k, cmd + b toggle bookmark
cmd + k, cmd + n goto next bookmark
cmd + k, cmd + shift + n goto previous bookmark
cmd + option + [1-3..] split window vertically
cmd + option + shift + [1-3..] split window horizontally
cmd + [1-3..] go to tab number. 1 being the left most tab.

Sublime Text 3 packages

Most of these you can find by opening the command window (cmd + shift + p) and typing install then selecting the install package option. A list display will open and you can type to find a package then pressing enter will install that package.

This will get updated as I remember to add them.

package link info
TodoReview Shows all todos in current file and project in a nice list with line numbers
Numix Theme A really nice looking theme with hard edges. ( You can see the theme seeting in the preferences file included in the repository)
VAlign allows you to align text by symbols (line up sveral lines by equal signs by using cmd + \)



Language:Shell 100.0%