beeradmoore / FFmpegKit.Android

Xamarin bindings of FFmpegKit for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Xamarin.Android bindings of FFmpegKit


Install the package via NuGet. There are various packages depending on what you plan to use and if you require a GPL compatible package or not. These package variants match the different variants built in the FFmpegKit repository.

Package Link
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.Audio.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.Full.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.FullGpl.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.Https.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.HttpsGpl.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.Min.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.MinGpl.Android NuGet
Xamarin.FFmpegKit.Video.Android NuGet


Include Ffmpegkit.Droid namespace

using Ffmpegkit.Droid;

Execute your FFmpeg command

FFmpegKit.Execute("-i -c:v libx264 output.mp4");

More examples and usage can be found in the FFmpegKit wiki.

Building with build scripts (macOS tested)

  1. Navigate to the Jars directory in terminal
  2. Run
    $ ./
  3. Go back up one directory
  4. Run
    $ ./
  5. This will now create nupkg packages of all 8 variants of FFmpegKit.Android.

Tip: If you only want to build one variant of FFmpegKit.Android and its nuget packages, comment out other lines in and

Building manually

  1. Download smart-exception-common-0.2.1.jar and smart-exception-java-0.2.1.jar from the smart-exception repository.
  2. Place in Jars folder.
  3. Download ffmpeg-kit-audio-5.1.LTS.aar, ffmpeg-kit-full-5.1.LTS.aar, ffmpeg-kit-full-gpl-5.1.LTS.aar, ffmpeg-kit-https-5.1.LTS.aar, ffmpeg-kit-https-gpl-5.1.LTS.aar, ffmpeg-kit-min-5.1.LTS.aar, ffmpeg-kit-min-gpl-5.1.LTS.aar and ffmpeg-kit-video-5.1.LTS.aar from the FFmpegKit repository from the releases tab, under LTS build. NOTE: If you only intend to build one binding then you only need to download that one aar file.
  4. Place in Jars folder.
  5. In the directory relative to the csproj file run the build command
msbuild FFmpegKit.Android.csproj /p:Configuration=Release  /p:FFmpegKitBuildType={TYPE} -target:Clean,Build

where {TYPE} is the FFmpegKit variant you are building. Possible options are Audio, Full, FullGpl, Https, HttpsGpl, Min, MinGpl or Video.

  1. To build the nuget package run the pack command
nuget pack ../Nugets/Xamarin.FFmpegKit.{TYPE}.Android/Xamarin.FFmpegKit.{TYPE}.Android.nuspec -Symbols -SymbolPackageFormat snupkg

where type is the same as from the previous step.


Xamarin bindings of FFmpegKit for Android

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 77.3%Language:C# 22.7%