beder / route_translator

Translate your rails app route to various languages without the hassle

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RouteTranslator is a gem to allow you to manage the translations of your app routes with a simple dictionary format

It started as a fork of the awesome translate_routes plugin by Raúl Murciano and then I made changes as I needed until it became the actual code

Right now it works with all the different flavours of rails3-4(3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0) but I'm planning to make it compatible with rails 2.3 too. I'll see how it goes

Quick Start

  1. If you have this routes.rb file originally:
    MyApp::Application.routes.draw do

      namespace :admin do
        resources :cars

      resources :cars
the output of `rake routes.rb` would be this:
        admin_cars GET    /admin/cars(.:format)          admin/cars#index
                   POST   /admin/cars(.:format)          admin/cars#create
     new_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/new(.:format)      admin/cars#new
    edit_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id/edit(.:format) admin/cars#edit
         admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)      admin/cars#show
                   PUT    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)      admin/cars#update
                   DELETE /admin/cars/:id(.:format)      admin/cars#destroy
              cars GET    /cars(.:format)                cars#index
                   POST   /cars(.:format)                cars#create
           new_car GET    /cars/new(.:format)            cars#new
          edit_car GET    /cars/:id/edit(.:format)       cars#edit
               car GET    /cars/:id(.:format)            cars#show
                   PUT    /cars/:id(.:format)            cars#update
                   DELETE /cars/:id(.:format)            cars#destroy
  1. Add the gem to your Gemfile:

      gem 'route_translator'

    And execute bundle install

  2. Wrap the groups of routes that you want to translate inside a localized block:

       MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
         namespace :admin do
           resources :cars
         localized do
           resources :cars

    And add the translations to your locale files, for example:

        cars: coches
        new: nuevo
        cars: voitures
        new: nouveau
  3. Your routes are translated! Here's the output of your rake routes now:

        admin_cars GET    /admin/cars(.:format)           admin/cars#index
                   POST   /admin/cars(.:format)           admin/cars#create
     new_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/new(.:format)       admin/cars#new
    edit_admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id/edit(.:format)  admin/cars#edit
         admin_car GET    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#show
                   PUT    /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#update
                   DELETE /admin/cars/:id(.:format)       admin/cars#destroy
           cars_en GET    /cars(.:format)                 cars#index {:locale=>"en"}
           cars_es GET    /es/coches(.:format)            cars#index {:locale=>"es"}
           cars_fr GET    /fr/voitures(.:format)          cars#index {:locale=>"fr"}
                   POST   /cars(.:format)                 cars#create {:locale=>"en"}
                   POST   /es/coches(.:format)            cars#create {:locale=>"es"}
                   POST   /fr/voitures(.:format)          cars#create {:locale=>"fr"}
        new_car_en GET    /cars/new(.:format)             cars#new {:locale=>"en"}
        new_car_es GET    /es/coches/nuevo(.:format)      cars#new {:locale=>"es"}
        new_car_fr GET    /fr/voitures/nouveau(.:format)  cars#new {:locale=>"fr"}
       edit_car_en GET    /cars/:id/edit(.:format)        cars#edit {:locale=>"en"}
       edit_car_es GET    /es/coches/:id/edit(.:format)   cars#edit {:locale=>"es"}
       edit_car_fr GET    /fr/voitures/:id/edit(.:format) cars#edit {:locale=>"fr"}
            car_en GET    /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#show {:locale=>"en"}
            car_es GET    /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#show {:locale=>"es"}
            car_fr GET    /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#show {:locale=>"fr"}
                   PUT    /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#update {:locale=>"en"}
                   PUT    /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#update {:locale=>"es"}
                   PUT    /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#update {:locale=>"fr"}
                   DELETE /cars/:id(.:format)             cars#destroy {:locale=>"en"}
                   DELETE /es/coches/:id(.:format)        cars#destroy {:locale=>"es"}
                   DELETE /fr/voitures/:id(.:format)      cars#destroy {:locale=>"fr"}

    Note that only the routes inside a localized block are translated

  4. Your I18n.locale will be set up automatically from the url param when it's available. To disable it add this to your controller

        skip_around_filter :set_locale_from_url


You can configure RouteTranslator via an initializer or using the different environment config files this. It's done this way:

RouteTranslator.config do |config|
  config.force_locale = true
  config.locale_param_key = :my_locale

Available Configurations

  • force_locale - Set this options to true to force the locale to be added to all generated route paths, even for the default locale. Defaults to false.
  • hide_locale - Set this options to true to force the locale to be hidden on generated route paths. Defaults to false.
  • generate_unlocalized_routes - Set this option to true to add translated routes without deleting original unlocalized versions. Autosets force_locale=true. Defaults to false.
  • generate_unnamed_unlocalized_routes - Set this option to true to add the behavior of force_locale, but with a named default route which behaves as if generate_unlocalized_routes was true, so root_path will redirect to /en or /es depending on the value of I18n.locale. Defaults to false.
  • locale_param_key - The param key that will be used to set the locale to the newly generated routes. Defaults to :locale
  • host_locales - optional hash to set default_locale based on, useful for apps accepting requests from more than one domain. See below for more details.

Host-based Locale

If you have an application serving requests from more than one domain, you might want to set default_locale dynamically based on which domain the request is coming from.

The host_locales option is a hash mapping hosts to locales, with full wildcard support to allow matching multiple domains/subdomains/tlds. Host matching is case insensitive.

When a request hits your app from a domain matching one of the wild-card matchers defined in host_locales, the default_locale will be set to the specified locale, and that locale will be hidden from routes (acting like a dynamic hide_locale option.

Here are a few examples of possible mappings:

RouteTranslator.config.host_locales = 
{                                # Matches:
  '*.es'                 => :es, # TLD:         ['', '', ''] etc.
  'ru.wikipedia.*'       => :ru, # Subdomain:   ['', '', ''] etc.
  '*.subdomain.domain.*' => :ru, # Mixture:     ['', ''] etc.
  ''       => :en, # Exact match: [''] only

In the case of a host matching more than once, the order in which the matchers are defined will be taken into account, like so:

RouteTranslator.config.host_locales = { 'russia.*' => :ru, '*.com'    => :en } # '' will have locale :ru
RouteTranslator.config.host_locales = { '*.com'    => :en, 'russia.*' => :ru } # '' will have locale :en

If host_locales option is set, the following options will be forced (even if you set to true):

@config.generate_unlocalized_routes         = false
@config.generate_unnamed_unlocalized_routes = false
@config.force_locale                        = false
@config.hide_locale                         = false

This is to avoid odd behaviour brought about by route conflicts and because host_locales forces and hides the host-locale dynamically.


Bring it! Send me a pull request, don't worry about styling or small details, I'm open to discussion


Translate your rails app route to various languages without the hassle

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%