bebuch / cadapt

C++ utility library for C interfaces

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CAdapt is a C++ header only library for simplified and safe use of C functions. The minimum requirement is C++20.

The library has wrapper support for QString if Qt6 is found on the system.

The library is still in an early stage!

The use of C++23 improves performance at runtime for out_c_str() and inout_c_str(). Buffers are left uninitialized when enlarging. This is realized by using C++23 resize_and_overwrite() instead of the older resize().


TODO: CMake.


All tools are in the namespace cadapt. User-defined-literals are in the inline namespace cadapt::literals.

Currently, the library includes the following tools:

  • basic_c_str_view is a std::basic_string_view which is guaranteed to be a completely valid null-terminated C-string
    • ""_sv const-evaluated user-defined-literal
    • c_str_view ("text"_sv) based on std::string_view
    • wc_str_view (L"text"_sv) based on std::wstring_view
    • u32c_str_view (U"text"_sv) based on std::u32string_view
    • u16c_str_view (u"text"_sv) based on std::u16string_view
    • u8c_str_view (u8"text"_sv) based on std::u8string_view
  • c_str to get a C-string from an object of type
    • basic_c_str_view
    • std::basic_string_view
    • std::basic_string
    • QString
  • out_c_str and inout_c_str to pass a C-string output argument to an object of type
    • std::basic_string
    • QString

The QString versions use internally conversions from and to std::basic_string and are therefore slower and partly have a slightly different interface. Use the normal std::basic_string versions by default. If data is available as QString, then use the wrapper versions, as they are safer and more efficient than a manual conversion.

null_term and null_term_t

struct null_term_t{
    explicit null_term_t() = default;

inline constexpr null_term_t null_term{};

null_term is a disambiguation tag that can be passed to some functions to indicate that the following given data is guaranteed to be a valid C-string. This disables the data verification!

The corresponding type null_term_t is used in function parameter list.


template <typename C, typename T = std::char_traits<C>>
struct basic_c_str_view: std::basic_string_view<C, T>

A basic_c_str_view is a std::basic_string_view which can only be constructed from data that is a valid C-string.

A valid C-string has the following properties:

  1. It is not a nullptr.
  2. It is terminated by a null character.
  3. It does not contain any null character except for the terminator.
using c_str_view = basic_c_str_view<char>;
using wc_str_view = basic_c_str_view<wchar_t>;
using u32c_str_view = basic_c_str_view<char32_t>;
using u16c_str_view = basic_c_str_view<char16_t>;
using u8c_str_view = basic_c_str_view<char8_t>;


inline namespace literals {
    consteval c_str_view operator""_sv(char const* str, std::size_t len);
    consteval wc_str_view operator""_sv(wchar_t const* str, std::size_t len);
    consteval u32c_str_view operator""_sv(char32_t const* str, std::size_t len);
    consteval u16c_str_view operator""_sv(char16_t const* str, std::size_t len);
    consteval u8c_str_view operator""_sv(char8_t const* str, std::size_t len);

Whenever possible, use these custom literals to create a basic_c_str_view. The operators are guaranteed to be executed at compile time and therefore verify the contents without any runtime overhead.

Example usage:

#include <cadapt/c_str_view.hpp>

int main() {
    using namespace cadapt::literals;
    auto const char_view = "text of type cadapt::c_str_view"_sv;
    auto const wchar_view = L"text of type cadapt::wc_str_view"_sv;
    auto const u32char_view = U"text of type cadapt::u32c_str_view"_sv;
    auto const u16char_view = u"text of type cadapt::u16c_str_view"_sv;
    auto const u8char_view = u8"text of type cadapt::u8c_str_view"_sv;


    static constexpr C const empty[1]{};

    [[nodiscard]] static constexpr C const* c_str_or_empty(C const* const c_str) noexcept {
        return c_str == nullptr ? empty : c_str;

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view() noexcept
        : std::basic_string_view<C, T>(empty)

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(std::nullptr_t) noexcept
        : std::basic_string_view<C, T>(empty)

    template <typename P>
    requires (std::is_pointer_v<P> && std::convertible_to<P, C const*>)
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(P c_str) noexcept:
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(c_str_or_empty(c_str))

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(C const* const c_str, std::size_t const len):
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(c_str_or_empty(c_str), len)
        verify_c_str_ptr(c_str, len);

    // efficient but unsave function, expects C != nullptr && c_str[< len] != 0 && c_str[len] == 0
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(null_term_t, C const* const c_str, std::size_t const len) noexcept:
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(c_str, len)
        if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) {

    template <typename Cc, std::size_t N>
    requires (N > 0 && std::same_as<std::remove_const_t<Cc>, C>)
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(Cc(&c_str)[N]):
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(static_cast<C const*>(c_str), N - 1)

    // efficient but unsave function, expects c_str[< N] != 0 && c_str[N] == 0
    template <typename Cc, std::size_t N>
    requires (N > 0 && std::same_as<std::remove_const_t<Cc>, C>)
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(null_term_t, Cc(&c_str)[N]) noexcept:
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(static_cast<C const*>(c_str), N - 1)
        if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) {

    template <typename A>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(std::basic_string<C, T, A> const& string):
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(string.c_str(), string.size())

    template <typename A>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(null_term_t, std::basic_string<C, T, A> const& string):
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>(string.c_str(), string.size())
        if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) {

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr basic_c_str_view(basic_c_str_view const&) = default;

    constexpr basic_c_str_view& operator=(std::basic_string_view<C, T> const&) noexcept = delete;
    constexpr basic_c_str_view& operator=(basic_c_str_view const&) noexcept = default;

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr C const* c_str() const noexcept {
        return std::basic_string_view<C, T>::data();

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr std::size_t max_size() const noexcept {
        return std::basic_string_view<C, T>::max_size() - 1;

    constexpr void remove_suffix(std::size_t) = delete;

    constexpr void swap(std::basic_string_view<C, T>&) = delete;
    constexpr void swap(basic_c_str_view& view) noexcept {
        std::basic_string_view<C, T>::swap(view);

    constexpr void verify_c_str_data() const {
        cadapt::verify_c_str_data(c_str(), std::basic_string_view<C, T>::size());

    constexpr void verify_c_str_terminator() const {
        cadapt::verify_c_str_terminator(c_str(), std::basic_string_view<C, T>::size());

Deduction guides

template <typename Cc>
basic_c_str_view(Cc*) -> basic_c_str_view<std::remove_const_t<Cc>>;

template <typename Cc, std::size_t N>
basic_c_str_view(null_term_t, Cc(&)[N]) -> basic_c_str_view<std::remove_const_t<Cc>>;

template <typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_c_str_view(std::basic_string<C, T, A> const&) -> basic_c_str_view<C, T>;


With out_c_str you can easily use an std::string as target buffer of an C-String output parameter.



C++ utility library for C interfaces

License:Boost Software License 1.0


Language:C++ 96.7%Language:CMake 3.3%