beautyjoy / BJC-Teacher-Tracker

Access Portal and Dashboards for BJC Teachers

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BJC Teacher Tracker

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The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) is an introductory computer science curriculum developed at UC Berkeley meant for high school freshmen up to college freshmen. The program has a teacher guide and a newly generated password that is to be given to any teacher who signs up for the program as a volunteer educator in the Bay Area - there are plans to expand the program to other states in late 2020. This pilot application is designed as a dashboard to track the workflow of teachers who run the program and provide high-level, descriptive statistics on the courses taught and participating schools. The BJC Teacher Tracker is a NEW project started in Fall 2019 by a group of 5 student developers in UC Berkeley's CS 169: Software Engineering.

Key Features and Functionality

We have worked on the adding following core features and functionality:

  • Feature: A application form for prospective teachers to request access to the platform
  • Functionality: Administrators are immediately notified of new applications via email
  • Feature: Administrators can validate or deny applicants with a button click
  • Functionality: An email is automatically sent to successful applicants notifying them of their acceptance to the teaching program
  • Feature: A separate administrators' view that uses Google OAuth to allow logins from UC Berkeley-registered users (
  • Functionality: Administrators can login to the dashboard to view unvalidated applications, statistics on validated applicants, and a list of current teachers
  • Feature: The administrators' view contains a main page with
    • buttons to delete or validate newly submitted forms
    • tables for statistics about the schools and the courses current teachers are teaching
    • a map with the locations of all the schools that teachers are a part of
    • a separate page with all the validated teachers and their information


Environmental Variable

  • We are not using application.yml (rails env framework). Instead, we use a .env file at directory root to load all env vars. Use .env.example as a reference for env format.
  • Use tools like overmind or foreman to load in the env vars.
  • You probably need to configure your own oauth keys and database name/passwords.

Postgres Installation


  • brew install postgresql chromedriver
  • Start postgres if necessary. brew services start postgresql


  • sudo apt install postgresql
  • Create a postgres user.
    • sudo su - postgres (to get into postgres shell)
    • createuser --interactive --pwprompt (in postgres shell)
    • Save DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD fields in the .env file.
  • Start postgres if necessary. pg_ctlcluster 12 main start
    • Note: if you are using WSL2 on windows, the command to start postgres is sudo service postgresql start

Framework/Gem Installation

  • rvm use 3.2.2 # Double-check .ruby-version
  • bundle
  • bin/rails db:setup (Run this after setting up Postgres)
  • nvm install 14 Node v14 is needed
  • yarn install Yarn is needed

Spin Up Server

  • Use tools like overmind or foreman to boot up server with env vars loaded.
  • If you are using overmind, you can simply npm run dev.

Available Commands

  • For RSpec tests run bundle exec rspec
  • For Cucumber tests run bundle exec cucumber
  • For Rubocop check run bundle exec rubocop (Autocorrect all with bundle exec rubocop -a)
  • To make someone an admin use db console access
    • Using psql
      • First run heroku pg:psql (for Heroku) or psql bjc_teachers_dev (for local) to get into psql
      • Alternatively, you can use rails db to get into psql
      • Then
        UPDATE teachers
        SET admin = true
        WHERE Email LIKE ''
        Of course, you can swap in the email of your choice.
    • Using rails console
      • First run heroku run rails console (for Heroku) or rails console (for local) to get into rails console
      • Then
        Teacher.where("email LIKE ''").update_all(admin: true)

JavaScript and CSS with Webpack

  • stylesheet_pack_tag doesn't work. :(
  • Use `import '*.scss' in a _JavaScript file, and webpack will compile correctly
  • If you need a new CSS-only import, make a new CSS and a new JS file.

Deployed Site:

Steps to Deploying on Heroku

  • ... create a heroku app
  • heroku stack:set heroku-20 (Ruby 3.2.2 is not supported on latest stack heroku-22. Double check your Ruby version though)
  • heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs # this must be the first buildpack.
  • heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/ruby
  • git remote set-url heroku (or whatever your heroku deployment repository is)
  • Make your local changes and start the commit process
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "<Message>"
  • git push heroku master (If this fails, try commenting the release command in Procfile for this first deployment only and go on to the next step. After you are done with the deployment, uncomment back the release command again. For more information, see this PR.)

If bundler install runs successfully, continue with the following commands to correctly setup the PostgreSQL database on Heroku:

  • heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql (or, create and attach a new postgresql database on Heroku dashboard manually)
  • heroku run bin/rails db:drop (if this fails, you can skip this step)
  • heroku run bin/rails db:schema:load
  • heroku run bin/rails db:seed
  • figaro heroku:set -e production (or staging, depending on the your needs)
  • heroku open

CodeClimate Local Test

TODO: Link to download CodeClimate binaries for macOS.


Access Portal and Dashboards for BJC Teachers


Language:Ruby 50.4%Language:Gherkin 20.6%Language:HTML 17.6%Language:SCSS 7.1%Language:JavaScript 4.2%Language:Procfile 0.0%