beauhaus / codejournal

angular library of code & notes

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THIS CODE IS IN RETIREMENT (Currently being ported to React 16 from Angular.js)


This is a collection of notes, snippets and lessons for web code.

(Kaizen FTW)

app-view purpose progress comments
index.html welcome done (but needs a better menu-bar) I don't love the layout
Daily-Standup journal-entries, reflections, goodies from twitter semi-daily progress report Happy with the css & typography
Grid basic walkthrough to get up&running in css-grid c/o Rachel Andrews only 4 or 5 entry-lessons Needs updates and short-hand. Much has been learnt since
Css-Sass walkthrough to get set up & minor notes on css. Helpful as a quick-reference Begging for future modifications TBH: a discussion of css-naming needs to be added. (OOCSS? SMACSS? BEM?)
SVG set-up, optimization, pitfalls, perf & rendering dos & donts Updates coming this week Top-right box needs resizing and typography overhaul

Daily Standup:

Journal entries in lieu of a stand-up

  • todo
  • potential blocks
  • done (& reflection)
    • notable tweets & link on a dev topic/article


Setup, implementation of Angulars awesomeness. Notes on scope inheritance, pitfalls of same... built-in & custom directives, filters, 3rd-parties


A basic soup-to-nuts build and SASS's fundamental features.


A quick tour of ES6's core powers (as I come to learn them 😊 & get comfortable using them)

Javascript ("ecma" view)

from intermediate common uses through freqently used higher-order functions & DOM events in raw js. --Ajax, JSON normalization (that sort of thing).


composition, implementation in brower and storage in postgresDB. (GSAP is pending).


Basics and frequently used queries through a very tiny schema --features a quick example of storing and retrieving an SVG file as a proof-of-concept.


Basic methods and notes on exercises I've worked through in lectures, etc. Start Sass sass --watch master.scss:master.css


A basic node setup using express, passport, cors, endpoints to query a postgresDB.

Greensock (gsap)

Notes, walkthroughs & valuable snippets for getting started and continuing into gsap animations with SVG. Will include embedded codepens as soon as I can figure those damned things out in Angularjs. #squadgoals


These are simply a miscellany of notes & snippets.

(code-prettify is used for all syntax highlighting)


angular library of code & notes


Language:HTML 85.5%Language:CSS 10.7%Language:JavaScript 3.8%