beatrizdemiguelperez / k8-argocd

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k8/Argocd Workshop

Code to deploy all necessary tools for the k8+argocd workshop.


  1. A kubernetes cluster to deploy all elements. You can use one of the following local clusters:

  2. kubectl installed and pointing to local cluster context. Installation tutorial here.

  3. Helm installed locally. Installation tutorial here.

k8 basics

  • Create examples namespace: kubectl create namespace k8-examples

  • Install basic pod: kubectl apply -f k8-basics/objects/basic-pod.yaml -n k8-examples

  • Install basic deployment: kubectl apply -f k8-basics/objects/basic-deployment.yaml -n k8-examples

  • Check it: kubectl get po -n k8-examples, kubectl port-forward my-nginx-<> -n k8-examples 8080:80 and then visit http://localhost:8080/

  • Install basic helm chart: helm upgrade --install nginx-example k8-basics/helm-charts/nginx-example --namespace=helm-examples --create-namespace

  • Check it: kubectl get po -n helm-examples

  • Uninstall it: helm uninstall nginx-example -n helm-examples


To deploy stack use the following script:


Check helm installation: helm ls --all-namespaces

Create an app in argocd

 Create New App

In the UI, Click on + NEW APP button and enter the following values (default options if not specified):

Application Name: my-example Project: default Sync Policy: Automatic Repository URL: Revision: HEAD Path: k8-basics/helm-charts/nginx-example Cluster URL: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: default Click on Create button to install the app!

Cleaning environment. Deleting stack

To delete all the stack use the following script:


Deployed components can be seen:

$ kubectl get pods -n argocd

Access ArgoCD UI

ArgoCD API Server can be exposed via port-forward (mapping the pod application port to a local port), to access the service via localhost:port.

Note: This is the easiest way to expose a service locally. Another options to expose services involve using ingresses, Nodeport/LoadBalancer services, etc. More information about accesing apps in a cluster here.

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

ArgoCD will be available at http://localhost:8080.

Initial admin credentials are stored under the secret argocd-initial-admin-secret in the argocd namespace. Retrieve the admin password with:

PASS=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d) && echo $PASS

Once logged, ArgoCD is ready to configure Apps!



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