beakerbrowser / webterm

Specs and discussions for the Webterm environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Specs and discussions for the Webterm environment.


Webterm is still in development. Open issues and PRs to discuss the design of the shell grammar and environment.

Active proposals:

Current Grammar

The current shell grammar follows the following BNF:

// Webterm Input Grammar (PEG.js)
// ==============================

  = Term+
  = term:Switch _? { return {type: 'param', key: term.key, value: term.value} }
  / term:String _? { return {type: 'token', value: term} }

Switch "switch"
  = '-'+ key:String _+ value:NonSwitch { return {key, value} }
  / '-'+ key:String { return {key, value: undefined} }

NonSwitch "non-switch"
  = !'-' value:String { return value }

String "string"
  = head:Char rest:CharOrQuote* { return head + rest.join('') }
  / '"' value:CharOr_OrSingleQuote* '"' { return value.join('') }
  / '\'' value:CharOr_OrDoubleQuote* '\'' { return value.join('') }

CharOr_OrDoubleQuote "character, whitespace, or double quote"
  = CharOr_
  / '"'

CharOr_OrSingleQuote "character, whitespace, or single quote"
  = CharOr_
  / '\''

CharOr_ "character or whitespace"
  = Char
  / _

CharOrQuote "character, single quote, or double quote"
  = Char
  / '\''
  / '"'

Char "character"
  = '\\ ' { return ' ' } // escaped space
  / [^ "'\f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]i // regular characters

_ "whitespace"
  = [ \t]+

Current Execution Model

Every shell-input translates to a call of a single javascript function, called a "shell command function."

Every command function is expected to match the following signature:

function cmdname (opts:Object, ...args:any): Promise<any>

The opts argument is an object which contains all switch inputs (short-switch and long-switch). The remaining args are an ordered list of the argument inputs.

If the function's resolved value possesses a toHTML() function, that function will be called during the result rendering and its value will be used in the shell output.


Specs and discussions for the Webterm environment