bchapuis / aws-java-nio-spi-for-s3

A Java NIO.2 service provider for Amazon S3

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AWS Java NIO SPI for S3

A Java NIO.2 service provider for S3, allowing Java NIO operations to be performed on paths using the s3 scheme. This package implements the service provider interface (SPI) defined for Java NIO.2 in JDK 1.7 providing "plug-in" non-blocking access to S3 objects for Java applications using Java NIO.2 for file access.

Using this package as a provider

There are several ways that this package can be used to provide Java NIO operations on S3 objects:

  1. Use this libraries jar as one of your applications compile dependencies
  2. Include the libraries "shadowJar" in your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ directory (not supported for Java 9 and above)
  3. Include this library on your class path at runtime (best option for Java 9 and above)
  4. Include the library as an extension at runtime -Djava.ext.dirs=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext:/path/to/extension/ (not supported for Java 9 and above)

Example usage

Assuming that myExecutatbleJar is a Java application that has been built to read from java.nio.file.Paths and this library has been exposed by one of the mechanisms above then S3 URIs may be used to identify inputs. For example:

java -jar myExecutableJar --input s3://some-bucket/input/file

If this library is exposed as an extension (see above), then no code changes or recompilation of myExecutable are required.

Using this package as a provider for Java 9 and above

With the introduction of modules in Java 9 the extension mechanism was retired. Providers should now be supplied as java modules. For backward compatability we have not yet made this change so to ensure that the provider in this package is recognized by the JVM you need to supply the JAR on your classpath using the -classpath flag. For example to use this provider with org.example.myapp.Main from myApp.jar you would type the following:

java -classpath build/libs/nio-spi-for-s3-1.1.0-all.jar:myApp.jar org.example.myapp.Main

As a concrete example, using Java 9+ with the popular genomics application GATK, you could do the following:

java -classpath build/libs/nio-spi-for-s3-1.1.0-all.jar:gatk-package- org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main CountReads -I s3://<some-bucket>/ena/PRJEB3381/ERR194158/ERR194158.hg38.bam

Including as a dependency

Releases of this library are available from Maven Central and can be added to projects using the standard dependency declarations.

For example:


AWS Credentials

This library will perform all actions using credentials according to the AWS SDK for Java default credential provider chain. The library does not allow any library specific configuration of credentials. In essence, you (or the service / Principal using this library) should have, or be able to assume, a role that will allow access to the S3 buckets and objects you want to interact with.

Note, although your IAM role may be sufficient to access the desired objects and buckets you may still be blocked by bucket access control lists and/ or bucket policies.

Reading Files

Bytes from S3 objects can be read using an S3SeekableByteChannel which is an implementation of java.nio.channel.SeekableByteChannel. Because S3 is a high-throughput but high-latency (compared to a native filesystem) service the S3SeekableByteChannel uses an in-memory read-ahead cache of ByteBuffers and is optimized for the scenario where bytes will typically be read sequentially.

To perform this the S3SeekableByteChannel delegates read operations to an S3ReadAheadByteChannel which implements java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel. When the first read operation is called, the channel will read it's first fragment and enter that into the buffer, requests for bytes in that fragment are fulfilled from that buffer. When a buffer fragment is more than half read, all empty fragment slots in the cache will be asynchronously filled. Further, any cached fragments that precede the fragment currently being read will be invalidated in the cache freeing up space for additional fragments to be retrieved asynchronously. Once the cache is "warm" the application should not be blocked on I/O, up to the limits of your network connection.


The read-ahead buffer asynchronously prefetches n sequential fragments of m bytes from S3. The values of n and m can be configured to your needs by using command line properties or environment variables.

If no configuration is supplied the values in resources/s3-nio-spi.properties are used. Currently, 50 fragments of 5MB. Each fragment is downloaded concurrently on a unique thread.

Environment Variables

You may use S3_SPI_READ_MAX_FRAGMENT_NUMBER and S3_SPI_READ_MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE to set the maximum umber of cached fragments and maximum fragment sizes respectively. For example:

java -Djava.ext.dirs=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext:<location-of-this-spi-jar> -jar <jar-file-to-run>

Java Properties

You may use java command line properties to set the values of the maximum fragment size and maximum number of fragments with s3.spi.read.max-fragment-size and s3.spi.read.max-fragment-number respectively. For example:

java -Djava.ext.dirs=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext:<location-of-this-spi-jar> -Ds3.spi.read.max-fragment-size=10000 -Ds3.spi.read.max-fragment-number=2 -jar <jar-file-to-run>

Order of Precedence

Configurations use the following order of precedence from highest to lowest:

  1. Java properties
  2. Environment variables
  3. Default values

S3 limits

As each S3SeekableByteChannel can potentially spawn 50 concurrent fragment download threads, you may find you exceed S3 limits, especially when the application using this SPI reads from multiple files at the same time or has multiple threads each opening its own byte channel. In this situation you should reduce the size of S3_SPI_READ_MAX_FRAGMENT_NUMBER.

In some cases it may also help to increase the value of S3_SPI_READ_MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE as fewer, large fragments will reduce the number of requests to the S3 service.

Ensure sufficient memory is available to your JVM if you increase the fragment size or fragment number.

Writing Files

The mode of the channel is controlled with the StandardOpenOptions. To open a channel for write access you need to supply the option StandardOpenOption.WRITE. All write operations on the channel will be gathered in a temporary file, which will be uploaded to S3 upon closing the channel.

Be aware, that the current implementation only supports channels to be used either for read or write due to potential consistency issues we may face in some cases. Attempting to open a channel for both read and write will result in an error.


Because we cannot predict the time it would take to write files, there are currently no timeouts configured per default. However, you may configure timeouts via the S3SeekableByteChannel.


To configure timeouts for writing files or opening files for write access, you may use the Long timeout and TimeUnit timeUnit parameters of the S3SeekableByteChannel constructor.

new S3SeekableByteChannel(s3Path, s3Client, channelOpenOptions, timeout, timeUnit);

Design Decisions

As an object store, S3 is not completely analogous to a traditional file system. Therefore, several opinionated decisions were made to map filesystem concepts to S3 concepts.

A Bucket is a FileSystem

An S3 bucket is represented as a java.nio.spi.FileSystem using an S3FileSystem. Although buckets are globally namespaced they are owned by individual accounts, have their own permissions, regions, and potentially, endpoints. An application that accesses objects from multiple buckets will generate multiple FileSystem instances.

S3 Objects are Paths

Objects in S3 are analogous to files in a filesystem and are identified using S3Path instances which can be built using S3 uris (e.g s3://mybucket/some-object) or, posix patterns /some-object from an S3FileSystem for mybucket

No hidden files

S3 doesn't support hidden files therefore objects in S3 named with a . prefix such as .hidden are not considered hidden by this library.

Creation time and Last modified time

Creation time and Last modified time are always identical. S3 objects do not have a creation time, and modification of an S3 object is actually a re-write of the object so these are both given the same date (represented as a FileTime). If for some reason a last modified time cannot be determined the Unix Epoch zero-time is used.

No symbolic links

S3 doesn't support symbolic links therefore no S3Path is a symbolic link and any NIO LinkOptions are ignored when resolving Paths.

Posix-like path representations

Technically, S3 doesn't have directories - there are only buckets and keys. For example, in s3://mybucket/path/to/file/object the bucket name is mybucket and the key would be /path/to/file/object. By convention, the use of / in a key is thought of as a path separator. Therefore, object could be inferred to be a file in a directory called /path/to/file/ even though that directory technically doesn't exist. This package will infer directories under what we call "posix-like" path representations. The logic of these is encoded in the PosixLikePathRepresentation object and described below.


An S3Path is inferred to be a directory if the path ends with /, /. or /.. or contains only . or ...

For example, these paths are inferred to be directories /dir/, /dir/., /dir/... However dir and /dir cannot be inferred to be a directory. This is a divergence from a true POSIX filesystem where if /dir/ is a directory then /dir and dir relative to / must also be a directory. S3 holds no metadata that can be used to make this inference.

Working directory

As directories don't exist and are only inferred there is no concept of being "in a directory". Therefore, the working directory is always the root and /object ./object and object can be inferred to be the same file. In addition ../object will also be the same file as you may not navigate above the root and no error will be produced if you attempt to.

Relative path resolution

Although there are no working directories, paths may be resolved relative to one another as long as one is a directory. So if some/path was resolved relative to /this/location/ then the resulting path is /this/location/some/path.

Because directories are inferred, you may not resolve some/path relative to /this/location as the latter cannot be inferred to be a directory (it lacks a trailing /).

Resolution of .. and .

The POSIX path special symbols . and .. are treated as they would be in a normal POSIX path. Note that this could cause some S3 objects to be effectively invisible to this implementation. For example s3://mybucket/foo/./baa is an allowed S3 URI that is not equivalent to s3://mybucket/foo/baa even though this library will resolve the path /foo/./baa to /foo/baa.

Building this library

The library uses the gradle build system and targets Java 1.8 to allow it to be used in many contexts. To build you can simply run:

./gradlew build

This will run all unit tests and then generate a jar file in libs with the name s3fs-spi-<version>.jar. Note that although the compiled JAR targets Java 1.8 a later version of the JDK may be needed to run Gradle itself.

Shadowed Jar with dependencies

To build a "fat" jar with the required dependencies (including aws s3 client libraries) you can run:

./gradlew shadowJar

which will produce s3fs-spi-<version>-all.jar. If you are using this library as an extension, this is the recommended jar to use. Don't put both jars on your classpath or extension path, you will observe class conflicts.


To run unit tests and produce code coverage reports, run this command:

./gradlew test

HTML output of the test reports can be found at build/reports/tests/test/index.html and test coverage reports are found at build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html


We encourage community contributions via pull requests. Please refer to our code of conduct and contributing for guidance.

Code must compile to JDK 1.8 compatible bytecode. Matching unit tests are required for new features and fixes.

Contributing Unit Tests

We use JUnit 4 and Mockito for unit testing.

When contributing code for bug fixes or feature improvements, matching tests should also be provided. Tests must not rely on specific S3 bucket access or credentials. To this end, S3 clients and other artifacts should be mocked as necessary. Remember, you are testing this library, not the behavior of S3.


A Java NIO.2 service provider for Amazon S3

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 99.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%