bcgov / drivebc-webcam-api

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DriveBC API Specification Development

I'm really glad you're reading this, because we need developers to help this project come to fruition.

You are invited to collaborate here in GitHub on the open development of an API specification.

##What is this about? The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) wants to engage developers to help build out the draft webcam API specification. The draft was created in conjunction with OpenNorth, originators of the Open511 road event data standard. We invite you to collaborate here to further develop the webcam API specification so that it meets the needs of developers.

Learn more about DriveBC on our BCDevExchange partners page.

##DriveBC Webcam Open Data MOTI is now releasing images and data from these highway and traffic cameras on DataBC for commercial use under the Open Government License (OGL)—British Columbia. The release builds on MOTI’s Open511, a data feed of real-time road event data from DriveBC that is already shared under the OGL.

MOTI’s release of its highway webcam data is another step in the Open511 strategy. Led by the non-profit OpenNorth, and already adopted in several jurisdictions, the Open511 standard holds the potential to provide drivers with reliable and consistent road condition information, no matter what province or state they are driving through. In the future, as MOTI’s webcam and open data program matures, developers will have access to new camera and sensor data as it becomes available. Read more about DriveBC and Open511.

Iterate on the Swagger Definition

We have posted a Swagger definition in the code directory.

Developers are invited to fork the repo, edit the Swagger file, and to send us their changes in a pull request. The project technical team will review pull requests and merge them into branches.

The community can then provide input through GitHub on what they like, before any changes are merged into the master branch. The more iteration based upon community feedback the better.


We may add some technical standards in the future.

Project Status

Just started.


The goal is to experiment on a possible API to access the DriveBC webcams.

Asking Questions or Reporting an Issue

This project is all about collaborating on an API specification. If you have a tech questions or ideas you would like to share, post an issue.

How to Contribute

Pull requests are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please see our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.


  • All code in the /code directory is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE.Apache-2.0 in the appropriate directories.

