bc-nogueira / quote-editor

Project to study Turbo Rails.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quote Editor

This is a basic project made with Rails 7 to study Turbo Rails. It's a quote web app where you can create quotes, dates and items.

I coded along during the Turbo Rails Tutorial from Hotrails.

My changes

All commits that come from the course have the chapter identification. All later commits are changes that I made to the project. These changes include:

  • User registration (TODO)

Check it in action

TODO: Finish instructions.

To run this project on your local machine you need to have Postgres and Redis. Then, you can run it with:

  1. Clone this repository and access the its directory.
  2. Run bundle to install the gems.
  3. Run rails db:migrate and rails db:seed.
  4. Then run bin/dev.


Project to study Turbo Rails.


Language:JavaScript 74.0%Language:Ruby 15.1%Language:HTML 4.8%Language:SCSS 3.2%Language:CSS 2.9%Language:Shell 0.1%