bbyars / mountebank-formatters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


As of v2.4.0, mountebank supports custom formatters.

A formatter consists of two functions:

  • load, which loads the --configfile used to start mountebank
  • save, which saves the test data captured in a running process of mountebank using the mb save command

Those two functions should work in concert, so you can round-trip the configuration. In other words, the following should always work for the same formatter:

mb save --savefile mb.json --formatter path/to/customFormatter
mb restart --configfile mb.json --formatter path/to/customFormatter

For years, mountebank supported EJS templating, which could be turned off using the --noParse CLI flag. When EJS made a breaking change, mountebank couldn't accept it because it would break existing config files. That has now been modularized into this module (allowing mountebank core to upgrade EJS), and remains the default option for backwards compatibility. However, now mountebank supports configurable formatters.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 90.6%Language:HTML 9.4%