bbqsrc / com-impl-rs

Implement COM interfaces from Rust.

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Implement COM interfaces in Rust

This crate provides a procedural macro which helps with implementing COM interfaces in Rust.

Note: if you only want to use COM in Rust, you can simply use winapi. This crate is for implementing an interface's methods from within Rust.

Requires Rust nightly, for now!


The following example shows how this crate can be used.

At the crate level

You must add winapi as a dependency to your crate, and at the very least enable the winerror and unknwnbase features.

version = "0.3"
features = ["winerror", "unknwnbase"]

For every interface you want to implement

You must manually import the interfaces you are implementing and their vtables.

use winapi::shared::dxgi::{IDXGIObject, IDXGIObjectVtbl};
use winapi::um::unknwnbase::{IUnknown, IUnknownVtbl};
use some::other::{Interface, InterfaceVtbl};

Then you need to import the procedural macros and the ComInterface trait exported by this crate.

use com_impl::{ComInterface, interface, implementation};

Define your structure. You must specifiy the final interface you want to implement.

struct MyInterface {}

For each interface in the inheritance chain, you must have a new implementation.

// The custom attribute's parameter is the interface you are implementing.
// In this case `IUnknown`.
impl MyInterface {
    // COM functions follow the PascalCase calling convention.
    // You implement a PascalCase function by using the snake_case name.

    // For example, this one implements `QueryInterface`.
    // Note: the macro automatically adds `unsafe extern "system"` to the function definition.
    fn query_interface(&self) -> HRESULT { /* ... */ }
    fn add_ref(&mut self) -> ULONG { /* ... */ }
    fn release(&mut self) -> ULONG { /* ... */ }

// Now we implement IDXGIObject.
impl MyInterface {
    fn get_parent(&mut self, riid: REFIID, parent: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT { /* ... */ }

    // ... Implement the other methods here ...

If we had specified NextInterface instead of IDXGIObject when defining the struct, we could continue the implementation chain here.

/// `NextInterface` is implemented here.
impl MyInterface {
    // ... New functions added by NextInterface ...

To implement the constructor for your type, use the generated Self::create_vtable function to fill in the generated __vtable field.

impl MyInterface {
    // This is an example constructor.
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            __vtable: Box::new(Self::create_vtable()),
            /* other fields */

Check out the tests directory for more examples.


  • Even if your struct is empty, you must still declare it with brackets: struct Something { }

  • Structs with unnamed fields (e.g. struct Example(u32, i32);) are not supported.

  • A struct can only implement one interface hierarchy. You cannot have a single object implementing multiple disjoint interfaces.


This code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0.


Implement COM interfaces from Rust.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%