bboydflo / dotfiles

chezmoi managed dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting started with chezmoi

Generate a new public and private SSH key by running:

curl | sh -s "<your-email-address>"

On a new system start by installing xcode-tools and chezmoi

xcode-select --install

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- -b $HOME/.local/bin

Sync dotfiles using chezmoi on a new system

~/.local/bin/chezmoi init --apply bboydflo

Restart terminal, open Alacritty and continue the process

# show fisher commands
# install plugins
fisher update

# configure tide should start imediately
# tide configure

# open tmux using tat

# install tmp pluginx using CMD + b + SHIFT + i

Brew daily commands

  • Install the latest stable version of a formula or cask (use --devel for development versions):
brew install formula
  • List all installed formulae and casks:
brew list
  • Upgrade an installed formula or cask (if none is given, all installed formulae/casks are upgraded):
brew upgrade formula
  • Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and of all formulae and casks from the Homebrew source repository:
brew update
  • Show formulae and casks that have a more recent version available:
brew outdated
  • Search for available formulae (i.e. packages) and casks (i.e. native packages):
brew search text
  • Display information about a formula or a cask (version, installation path, dependencies, etc.):
brew info formula
  • Check the local Homebrew installation for potential problems:
brew doctor
  • Dump all currently installed packages into a BrewFile
cd && brew bundle dump
  • Add/remove a tap
# install package from a specific tap
brew tap nvie/tap
brew install nvie/tap/git-toolbelt

# remove tap
brew untap nvie/tap

Daily commands

# adds $FILE from your home directory to the source directory.
chezmoi add $FILE

# opens your editor with the file in the source directory that corresponds to $FILE.
chezmoi edit $FILE

# gives a quick summary of what files would change if you ran `chezmoi apply`
chezmoi status

# shows the changes that `chezmoi apply` would make to your home directory.
chezmoi diff

# updates your dotfiles from the source directory.
chezmoi apply

# opens a subshell in the source directory.
# then do git commits as usual to update local config with remote
chezmoi cd

# go back to previous folder (before `chezmoi cd`)

# on a new system sync config files with github repo
chezmoi update


chezmoi managed dotfiles


Language:Shell 94.5%Language:Ruby 5.5%