bbjornstad / landing-pad.nvim

A neovim plugin to orchestrate lazy.nvim specification conglomeration for other plugins

Repository from Github https://github.combbjornstad/landing-pad.nvimRepository from Github https://github.combbjornstad/landing-pad.nvim

A Neovim Plugin Template

A template repository used to create Neovim plugins.

Build Status unittests documentation luacheck llscheck stylua urlchecker
License License-MIT
Social RSS


Using This Template

  1. Follow the Wiki instructions
  2. Once you're done, remove this section (the rest of this file should be kept / customized to your needs)


    dependencies = { "ColinKennedy/mega.cmdparse", "ColinKennedy/mega.logging" },
    -- TODO: (you) - Make sure your first release matches v1.0.0 so it auto-releases!
    version = "v1.*",


(These are default values)

    config = function()
        vim.g.plugin_template_configuration = {
            commands = {
                goodnight_moon = { read = { phrase = "A good book" } },
                hello_world = {
                    say = { ["repeat"] = 1, style = "lowercase" },
            logging = {
                level = "info",
                use_console = false,
                use_file = false,
            tools = {
                lualine = {
                    arbitrary_thing = {
                        color = "Visual",
                        text = " Arbitrary Thing",
                    copy_logs = {
                        color = "Comment",
                        text = "󰈔 Copy Logs",
                    goodnight_moon = {
                        color = "Question",
                        text = " Goodnight moon",
                    hello_world = {
                        color = "Title",
                        text = " Hello, World!",
                telescope = {
                    goodnight_moon = {
                        { "Foo Book", "Author A" },
                        { "Bar Book Title", "John Doe" },
                        { "Fizz Drink", "Some Name" },
                        { "Buzz Bee", "Cool Person" },
                    hello_world = { "Hi there!", "Hello, Sailor!", "What's up, doc?" },


Note: You can customize lualine colors here or using vim.g.plugin_template_configuration.


require("lualine").setup {
    sections = {
        lualine_y = {
            -- ... Your other configuration ...
                -- NOTE: These will override default values
                -- display = {
                --     goodnight_moon = {color={fg="#FFFFFF"}, text="Custom message 1"}},
                --     hello_world = {color={fg="#333333"}, text="Custom message 2"},
                -- },


Note: You can customize telescope colors here or using vim.g.plugin_template_configuration.


    cmd = "Telescope",
    config = function()
        -- ... Your other configuration ...
    dependencies = {
    version = "0.1.*",


This plugin provides two default highlights

  • PluginTemplateTelescopeEntry
  • PluginTemplateTelescopeSecondary

Both come with default colors that should look nice. If you want to change them, here's how:

vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "PluginTemplateTelescopeEntry", {link="Statement"})
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "PluginTemplateTelescopeSecondary", {link="Question"})


Here are some example commands:

" A typical subcommand
:PluginTemplate hello-world say phrase "Hello, World!" " How are you?"
:PluginTemplate hello-world say phrase "Hello, World!" --repeat=2 --style=lowercase

" An example of a flag this repeatable and 3 flags, -a, -b, -c, as one dash
:PluginTemplate arbitrary-thing -vvv -abc -f

" Separate commands with completely separate, flexible APIs
:PluginTemplate goodnight-moon count-sheep 42
:PluginTemplate goodnight-moon read "a book"
:PluginTemplate goodnight-moon sleep -z -z -z



Run this line once before calling any busted command

eval $(luarocks path --lua-version 5.1 --bin)


Run all tests

# Using the package manager
luarocks test --test-type busted
# Or manually
busted .
# Or with Make
make test

Run test based on tags

busted . --tags=simple

Tracking Updates

See doc/news.txt for updates.

You can watch this plugin for changes by adding this URL to your RSS feed:

Other Plugins

This template is full of various features. But if your plugin is only meant to be a simple plugin and you don't want the bells and whistles that this template provides, consider instead using nvim-plugin-template


A neovim plugin to orchestrate lazy.nvim specification conglomeration for other plugins

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 99.1%Language:Makefile 0.9%