bbhunter / saml-attack-surface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

attacking saml / sso

Attack: ACSURL Spoofing

  • Description: Crafting a Token Request with an attacker-controlled ACSURL could cause the IdP to send an Auth Token to the attacker-controlled server.
  • Impact: Tricking a user to click a link sends authentication tokens to an attacker-controlled server.
  • Reference: On the Security of SAML-based Identity Providers

Attack: XXE

  • Description: The XML parser allows external entities to be included in the XML.
  • Impact: SSRF, File read, DoS

Attack: XML Signature Wrapping

  • Description: Assertions can be added to a signed XML document. This can create a logic flaw that allows the original assertion to be properly validated, but the unsigned assertion is processed.
  • Impact: This allows an attacker to create assertions without knowledge of the XML signature private key.
  • Reference: On Breaking SAML: Be Whoever You Want to Be

Attack: Replay Attacks

  • Description: Authentication Tokens do not have timestamps, the timestamps are not properly validated, overly long validity windows.
  • Impact: Leaked tokens can be replayed at a later date. This could mean persistent access via previously used token.
  • Reference: Verification of SAML Tokens - Traps and Pitfalls

Attack: Token Recipient Confusion (TRC)

  • Description: An attacker redirects a token destined for SP_a as an authentication token for SP_b.
  • Impact: If an IdP has multiple SPs, a token for SP_a can be used in SP_b. Impact is context-dependent. Sometimes, the malicious SP is created by the attacker.
  • Reference: Verification of SAML Tokens - Traps and Pitfalls

Attack: Signature Stripping.

  • Description: If the XML signature logic incorrectly handles signature validation, an attacker can just exclude a signature to create a XML document that passes signature validation.
  • Impact: An attacker can trivially spoof signed XML documents.
  • Reference: Verification of SAML Tokens - Traps and Pitfalls

Attack: Certificate Faking

other references
