bbenligiray / estu-thesis-template

ESTU MSc/PhD Thesis Template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ESTU Thesis Template


  • Install TeXstudio.

  • Add your references to ref.bib (JabRef recommended).

  • Update cv/main.tex and build it.

  • Update the parameters in main.tex.

  • Create a file for each chapter in the main directory and add them to main.tex using \input. Introduction and Conclusion are provided as examples.

  • Build main.tex.

Issues and Contributing

If you have any problems with the template, create an issue here instead of mailing me.

If you see an issue that you can help with, feel free to respond or submit a pull request.


ESTU MSc/PhD Thesis Template


Language:TeX 100.0%