bbchung / Clamp

clighter for neovim

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Clamp: NeoVim plugin to highlight C-family code


Clamp is a neovim plugin to support C-family code powered by libclang. Currently it can highlight and rename-refactor code semantically. Clamp takes the advantage of new plugin architecture of neovim and it runs very smooth.


Clamp requires the following:


use vim plugin manager, for example

  • Vundle Install:
Bundle 'bbchung/Clamp'



Start Clamp automatically.

Default: 1

let g:clamp_autostart = 0


Config the libclang path if libclang is not in default path or Clamp can't find it.

Default: ''

let g:clamp_libclang_file = '/usr/lib/'


Define the group of syntax NOT to be highlighted.

Default: ['clampInclusionDirective']

The recommend setting to not be dazzled:

let g:clamp_highlight_blacklist = ['clampNamespaceRef', 'clampFunctionDecl', 'clampFieldDecl', 'clampDeclRefExprCall', 'clampMemberRefExprCall', 'clampMemberRefExprVar', 'clampNamespace', 'clampNamespaceRef', 'cligherInclusionDirective', 'clampVarDecl']


Clamp search the compilation database to compile, but the compilation database the CMake generated doesn't include the header files. Clamp can heuristic search the compilation database to guess the most possible compile args if set this option.

Default: 1

let g:clamp_heuristic_compile_args = 1


The global compile args of Clamp.

Default: []

let g:clamp_compile_args = []


Set it to 1 only if you DON'T use autocomplete plugin like YouCompleteMe.

Default: 0

let g:clamp_highlight_mode = 1

Commands and Functions

Clamp provides these commands and functions.




  • An experimental function to do rename-refactor.
  • The scope is opened vim buffers.
  • There is no one-step undo/redo method.
  • Strongly recommend that backing up all files before calling this function.
  • For convenience, you can add key mapping in your vimrc:
nmap <silent> <Leader>r :call ClampRename()<CR>

Compilation Database

Clamp automatically load and parse the compilation database "compile_commands.json" if it exists in current working directory, then the compile options will be passed to libclang. For more information about compilation database, please reference Compilation Database.

Highlight Group

Clamp defines these highlight groups corresponded to libclang.

hi default link clampPrepro PreProc
hi default link clampDecl Identifier
hi default link clampRef Type
hi default link clampInclusionDirective cIncluded
hi default link clampMacroInstantiation Constant
hi default link clampVarDecl Identifier
hi default link clampStructDecl Identifier
hi default link clampUnionDecl Identifier
hi default link clampClassDecl Identifier
hi default link clampEnumDecl Identifier
hi default link clampParmDecl Identifier
hi default link clampFunctionDecl Identifier
hi default link clampFieldDecl Identifier
hi default link clampEnumConstantDecl Constant
hi default link clampDeclRefExprEnum Constant
hi default link clampDeclRefExprCall Type
hi default link clampMemberRefExprCall Type
hi default link clampMemberRefExprVar Type
hi default link clampTypeRef Type
hi default link clampNamespace Identifier
hi default link clampNamespaceRef Type
hi default link clampTemplateTypeParameter Identifier
hi default link clampTemplateNoneTypeParameter Identifier
hi default link clampTemplateRef Type
hi default link clampOccurrences IncSearch

You can customize these colors in your colorscheme, for example:

hi clampTypeRef term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermbg=232 ctermfg=255 gui=NONE


The Clamp plugin doesn't work?

Check the Requirements and Installation.

Why rename-refactor function is an experimental function?

Due to the character of c-family language, it's hard to do rename-refactor. Clamp only search the current opened buffer to do rename-refactor and it can't guarantee the correctness.


Clamp may crashes in some cases. Call ClampStart again if it happens.

Highlighting always are messed up as typing, can fix?

No, Clamp use matchaddpos() api currently. Once NeoVim provides more powerful api, I will use it.

How to set compile args?

Clamp set the compile args for each file with (g:clamp_compile_args + "compilation database"). Compile args will affect the correctness of highlight and rename-refactor.


This software is licensed under the GPL v3 license.

Note: This license does not cover the files that come from the LLVM project.


clighter for neovim

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 82.8%Language:Vim Script 17.2%