Using the Koa framework, throttle the body of a response by specifying the rate or delay and chunk size.
var koa = require('koa');
var Throttler = require('koa-throttle');
var app = koa();
.use(Throttler({rate: 100, chunk: 2, debug: 1}))
.use(function *test(next){
this.body = 'This is a big test string that will be throttled';
- rate: the delay in milliseconds to wait before writing to the response
- chunk: the number of bytes to write to the response stream every rate number of milliseconds
- debug: If evalutes to true then a new line will be sent after each chunk of data written to the response so that you can see the data coming in if testing with curl. Default is false
cd test; node test.js
Then to see the data throttled flow in:
curl http://localhost:3000/string
curl http://localhost:3000/buffer
curl http://localhost:3000/stream