bayern01kahn / springboot-demo-app

Spring boot application with CRUD operation in Cassandra.

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Spring boot application with CRUD operations in Cassandra.


  1. Java
  2. Cassandra
  3. Maven
  4. init Cassandra with cqlsh 4.1 docker exec -it xxx (进入容器) 4.2 cqlsh 4.3 CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS user WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1}; 4.4 use user; 4.5 CREATE TABLE user (id int, name varchar, address varchar, salary int, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); 4.6 INSERT INTO user (id, name, address, salary) VALUES (1,'justin', 'some where', 500000); 4.7 select * from user;

How to run the application?

mvn spring-boot:run

Application runs on port 5000 by default and that can be changed to desired port from in resources.

1. Create User

Route(Method - POST) : localhost:5000/user

Request Body


2. Get All Users

Route(Method - GET) : localhost:5000/users

3. Get User

Route(Method - GET) : localhost:5000/users/{id}

4. Delete User

Route(Method - GET) localhost:5000/deleteUser/{id}

5. Update User




Note - You need to have Cassandra running on port 9042 before you start the application.


Spring boot application with CRUD operation in Cassandra.


Language:Java 100.0%