bavarianrhino / algorithms

Continued work on solving algorithms

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Free Code Camp Algorithms

My solutions to the JavaScript algorithms on Free Code Camp.

Basic Algorithm Scripting

  • Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • Reverse a String
  • Factorialize a Number
  • Find the Longest Word in a String
  • Return Largest Numbers in Arrays
  • Confirm the Ending
  • Repeat a String Repeat a String
  • Truncate a String
  • Finders Keepers
  • Boo who
  • Title Case a Sentence
  • Slice and Splice
  • Falsy Bouncer
  • Where do I Belong
  • Mutations
  • Chunky Monkey

Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

  • Sum All Numbers in a Range
  • Diff Two Arrays
  • Seek and Destroy
  • Wherefore art thou
  • Spinal Tap Case
  • Pig Latin
  • Search and Replace
  • DNA Pairing
  • Missing letters
  • Sorted Union
  • Convert HTML Entities
  • Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
  • Sum All Primes
  • Smallest Common Multiple
  • Drop it
  • Steamroller
  • Binary Agents
  • Everything Be True
  • Arguments Optional
  • Make a Person
  • Map the Debris

Regular Expressions

  • Using the Test Method
  • Match Literal Strings
  • Match a Literal String with Different Possibilities
  • Ignore Case While Matching
  • Extract Matches
  • Find More Than the First Match
  • Match Anything with Wildcard Period
  • Match Single Character with Multiple Possibilities
  • Match Letters of the Alphabet
  • Match Numbers and Letters of the Alphabet
  • Match Single Characters Not Specified
  • Match Characters that Occur One or More Times
  • Match Characters that Occur Zero or More Times
  • Find Characters with Lazy Matching
  • Find One or More Criminals in a Hunt
  • Match Beginning String Patterns
  • Match Ending String Patterns
  • Match All Letters and Numbers
  • Match Everything But Letters and Numbers
  • Match All Numbers
  • Match All Non-Numbers
  • Restrict Possible Usernames
  • Match Whitespace
  • Match Non-Whitespace Characters
  • Specify Upper and Lower Number of Matches
  • Specify Only the Lower Number of Matches
  • Specify Exact Number of Matches
  • Check for All or None
  • Positive and Negative Lookahead
  • Reuse Patterns Using Capture Groups
  • Use Capture Groups to Search and Replace
  • Remove Whitespace from Start and End

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects

  • Palindrome Checker
  • Roman Numeral Converter
  • Caesars Cipher
  • Telephone Number Validator
  • Cash Register

Coding Interview Algorithms

  • Find the Symmetric Difference
  • Inventory Update
  • No Repeats Please
  • Pairwise
  • Implement Bubble Sort
  • Implement Selection Sort
  • Implement Insertion Sort
  • Implement Quick Sort
  • Implement Merge Sort


Continued work on solving algorithms


Language:JavaScript 98.2%Language:HTML 1.8%