battyone / BookStore

Book's store demonstration model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This application serve as demonstration of use Spring Framework and Hibernate for building application with web interface. For deploying was used Tomcat Server and for building used Maven. Front-end view presented Bootstrap framework, behavior of pages controled by custom written JavaScript file store-script.js.

Database properties: database: Postgresql, database name: book_store, user: root, password: root.

For more see

Books viewing

Basic page presented by home.jsp, it's allows view all available books, also allows remove them. After remove each book page dinamically change, this behavior provided by script presented below. Messaging between client and server performed by REST, message format: JSON.

Home page

New book saving

Page for addition of new element mapped at /new, presented by file addBook.jsp. Inserted in form, that presented on page, data validate, then converted in JSON format, and finally send to server by script. Received message from client, on back end convert into entity, and save. There below presented attributes of element, their format, and side, where this format validate.

Attribute Validation side Required format
Title Server side VARCHAR(255)
Description Server side LONGVARCHAR
Pages Client side Integer
ISBN Server side VARCHAR(255)
Price Client side Float

Update of book

Interface for updating provides updateBook.jsp mapped at /update. That page demonstrate JSP technology.


Book's store demonstration model


Language:Java 88.8%Language:JavaScript 11.2%