battika / ngxs-example-app

(A port of ngrx-example-app) This app is a book collection manager. The user can authenticate, use the Google Books API to search for books and add them to their collection.

Repository from Github https://github.combattika/ngxs-example-appRepository from Github https://github.combattika/ngxs-example-app

@ngxs example application

A port of ngrx-example-app.

This app is a book collection manager. The user can authenticate, use the Google Books API to search for books and add them to their collection.

Live demo could be found here. (ReduxDevTools enabled)


  • ngxs - including storage, router, devtools and logger plugins.
  • jest


# Clone the repo
git clone

# Use yarn to install the dependencies

# Start the server
yarn serve

# Running test suites
yarn test

# Build the app
yarn build:prod

# Start the server with aot enabled
yarn serve:aot

Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ in your browser


(A port of ngrx-example-app) This app is a book collection manager. The user can authenticate, use the Google Books API to search for books and add them to their collection.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 95.7%Language:JavaScript 3.4%Language:HTML 0.5%Language:CSS 0.5%