battika / ionic-native-google-maps

Google maps plugin for Ionic Native

Repository from Github https://github.combattika/ionic-native-google-mapsRepository from Github https://github.combattika/ionic-native-google-maps


@ionic-native/google-maps plugin is a wrapper plugin for cordova-plugin-googlemaps for Ionic framework.

Ionic Native wraps plugin callbacks in a Promise or Observable, providing a common interface for all plugins and making it easy to use plugins with Angular change detection.

Installation for ionic 3

First of all, you need to generate API keys for Google Maps APIs.

Second, run following command to install @ionic-native/core and @ionic-native/google-maps plugins in your project.

npm install @ionic-native/core @ionic-native/google-maps

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googlemaps --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="..." --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="..."

Demo for ionic 3

Installation for ionic 4 beta

First of all, you need to generate API keys for Google Maps APIs.

Second, run following command to install @ionic-native/core and @ionic-native/google-maps plugins in your project.

npm install @ionic-native/core@beta @ionic-native/google-maps@beta

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googlemaps --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="..." --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="..."

Demo for ionic 4


For the full Ionic Native documentation, please checkout this page.

Also there are documents/demos for your help:


Before asking your trouble, please check the trouble shooting guides.

If you can't solve your problem, please report to ionic-native-google-maps repository.


Google maps plugin for Ionic Native



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