batiwo / spring-websocket-angular6

Example for using Spring Websocket and Angular with Stomp Messaging

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Spring WebSocket Angular6

The purpose of this project is to present a full example of notification/messaging service between an angular6 client and a spring application. There are many examples of clients using SockJS but with javascript directly and not angular (Examples).

This project is based on ng2-stompjs (Please consult its great documentation). But it aim to provide a complete and minimalist project to serve as plug'n'play project for both frontend and backend.


  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Build the angular-websocket project with npm install to install dependencies and then ng build -base-href=.
  3. Build the spring-websocket project with mvn install
  4. Run the produced JAR spring-websocket-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar with java -jar spring-websocket-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080/index.html and enjoy.

Screenshot of running demo

How to

Spring Server

The spring server is a basic spring-boot api with the spring-websocket dependency.

A Simple Configuration


The WebSocketConfiguration is also minimalist. We just configure the MessageBroker with an Endpoint and setAllowedOrigins to anyone. The Endpoint "/socket" means that you will connect to the ws://server-url/socket with your clients.

public class WebSocketConfiguration implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

    public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {

Notice that we do not use withSockJS()


A Simple Controller

A method that is called when a message is sent from the client (angular) to the server (spring)

public void onReceivedMessage(String message) {
    System.out.println("New message received : " + message);

A method called each 1000ms that send a string message

@Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000)
public void sendMessage() {
    template.convertAndSend(SENDING_URL, buildNextMessage());

An optional but interesting method that send a message just after the client subscribed (or re-subscribed)

public String onSubscribe() {
    return "SUBSCRIBED : " + message;

Angular Client

Step to re-create the angular client :

  1. Create a new angular application ng new angular-websocket
  2. Install required dependencies npm install @stomp/ng2-stompjs and npm install rxjs-compat
  3. Create a service ng g service services/messaging
  4. Then develop the application code.
Sample explanation

Here is some useful import

import { StompService, StompConfig, StompState } from "@stomp/ng2-stompjs";
import { Message } from "@stomp/stompjs";
import { Observable, BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs";

Create Stomp Configuration

let stompConfig: StompConfig = {
  url: socketUrl,
  headers: {
    login: "",
    passcode: ""
  heartbeat_in: 0,
  heartbeat_out: 20000,
  reconnect_delay: 5000,
  debug: true

Create Stomp Service

this.stompService = new StompService(stompConfig);

Connect to a Stream


Send a message from client (angular) to the server (spring)

this.stompService.publish(url, JSON.stringify(message));

Monitor the state this.stompService.state


SĂ©bastien DRUJONT


Example for using Spring Websocket and Angular with Stomp Messaging


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