bat0ri / mssql-client

Qt client for MS SQL datadase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Qt Database Client Application

This Qt-based application serves as a versatile client for database management, enabling users to execute SQL queries and utilize Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) functionalities.


  • SQL Query Execution: Execute custom SQL queries directly through the application.
  • ORM Support: Utilize Object-Relational Mapping to interact with the database programmatically.
  • Multi-Database Compatibility: Compatible with various database systems, such as SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.



  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install necessary dependencies. (Provide details if any)
  3. Configure the database connection by modifying the provided connection string in the code.
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");
QString connectString = "DRIVER={SQL Server};";
connectString.append("SERVER=YOUR_SERVER_NAME\YOUR_SQL_INSTANCE;"); // Hostname, SQL-Server Instance
connectString.append("DATABASE=your_database_name;"); // Schema
connectString.append("UID=your_username;"); // User
connectString.append("PWD=your_password;"); // Pass

Simply replace YOUR_SERVER_NAME, YOUR_SQL_INSTANCE, your_base_name, your_username and your_password with the appropriate values ​​for your database data.


  • Tables Creation: Utilized SQL queries to create three tables incorporating concepts like NOT NULL, DEFAULT, PRIMARY KEY, CHECK, and IDENTITY.
  • Inter-table Relations: Established two inter-table relationships:
    1. One without systemic cascading deletion and updating.
    2. Another with systemic cascading deletion and updating (ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE).
  • Stored Procedure Creation: Developed a stored procedure with output parameters.


  • Client-Side Implementation:

    • Developed a user interface with a main screen form displaying tables from the database.
    • Implemented database connection using QODBC driver to QSqlDatabase datatype and employed QSqlTableModel for each table with an OnManualSubmit hashing strategy.
  • Alternative Form and Views:

    • Created an alternative form dynamically displaying all tables in one QSqlTableModel.
    • Established a VIEW on the server, presenting data from three tables as a single connected table and displayed it on a separate form.
    • Displayed the output of a stored procedure in a Label on the main or alternative form.

Task Implementations

  1. Task 1:

    • Utilized SQL queries to gather information about deliveries from contracts ending in the current year.
  2. Task 2:

    • Employed SQL queries with grouping or window functions to collect information about deliveries from contracts ending in the current year.
  3. Task 3:

    • Implemented various methods to retrieve information about the availability of parts at warehouses based on specific criteria, including expression RA, RIK language query, and SQL queries with subqueries.


Qt client for MS SQL datadase


Language:C++ 96.3%Language:QMake 3.7%