basuabhirup / tip-calculator

This is a challenge from to check my proficiency in JavaScript, HTML & CSS.

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Frontend Mentor - Tip calculator app solution

This is a solution to the Tip calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Calculate the correct tip and total cost of the bill per person


Final Desktop Screenshot

Final Mobile Screenshot


My process

Built with

What I learned

I have gained hands-on experience in manipulating DOM objects with JavaScript & its jQuery library. Also I have created some data validation conditions in order to make the calculator's functionalities as realistic as possible.

I have created a custom caculateTip function where I have added several validation checks against the input values of bill-amount & number-of-people:

// Defining the custom calculateTip function:
function calculateTip(tipPercantage) {
  var billAmount = parseFloat($("#bill-amount").val(), 10);
  var tipTotal = billAmount * tipPercantage;
  var numPeople = parseFloat($("#no-of-people").val(), 10); // holds the value of number of people
  var billPerHead = billAmount / numPeople;
  var tipPerHead = tipTotal / numPeople;
  var totalPerHead = billPerHead + tipPerHead;

  if (billAmount > 0) { // validates the Bill-Input value
    if ($(".bill-input").hasClass("error")) { // revokes red error border style, if already present
    if (numPeople > 0 && Number.isInteger(numPeople)) { // checks whether num-of-people is an integer
      $(".error-text").text(""); // revokes error message, if already present
      if ($(".people-input").hasClass("error")) { // revokes red error border style, if already present
      if (!isNaN(tipPercantage)) { // checks whether the Tip-Percantage is a number or not
    } else if (numPeople > 0 && !Number.isInteger(numPeople)) { // when no-of-people is not an integer
      $(".people-input").addClass("error"); // adds error class to place red border of the input field
      $(".error-text").text("Must be an integer!"); // shows error message
    } else if (numPeople < 0) { // when no-of-people is negative
      $(".people-input").addClass("error"); // adds error class to place red border of the input field
      $(".error-text").text("Can't be negative!"); // shows error message
    } else { // when no-of-people is zero
      $(".people-input").addClass("error"); // adds error class to place red border of the input field
      $(".error-text").text("Can't be zero!"); // shows error message

  } else if (billAmount < 0) {


I have called this custom function several times against "click" or "keyup" events on different input fields.

Useful resources


Abhirup Basu


This is a challenge from to check my proficiency in JavaScript, HTML & CSS.


Language:HTML 39.8%Language:CSS 30.6%Language:JavaScript 29.6%