basuabhirup / keeper-app

This is a practice project using MERN Stack

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Keeper App

This project is a part of The Complete 2021 Web Development Bootcamp by London App Brewery, instructed by Dr. Angela Yu.

Project Screenshot

Objective of this Project

  • To build a custom keeper app from the starting files
  • To understand components, states and hooks in React
  • To manage complex states and component tree in React

Steps I have followed:

Client-side Development:

  1. Downloaded the starting files and installed the requiring dependencies using npm install command.
  2. Created 4 components - App, Header, Note & Footer and edited them accordingly to render the corresponding elements in ReactDOM.
  3. Rendered all the notes inside src/notes.js file dynamically as separate Note components.
import notes from "../notes";
{ => (
    <Note title={note.title} content={note.content} />
  1. Added a new InputArea component inside App so that users can submit new notes.
  2. Added a DELETE button inside each Note component so that users can click that to delete a particular note.
  3. Created a new state variable note using React.useState() hook inside InputArea component to keep track of the changes made in the input fields.
const [note, setNote] = useState({
    title: "",
    content: ""
function updateNote(e) {
    const name =;
    const value =;
        [name]: value
<input name="title" onChange={updateNote} placeholder="Title" value={note.title} />
<textarea name="content" onChange={updateNote} placeholder="Take a note..." rows="3" value={note.content} />

  1. Created another state variable notes using React.useState() hook inside App component to save all the notes inside an array:
const [notes, setNotes] = useState([]);

function addNote(note) {
    setNotes([...notes, note]);

  1. Passed the addNote function from App to InputArea, so that a newly added note can be passed back from InputArea to App component:
// Code inside 'components/App.jsx' file:
<InputArea onSubmit={addNote}/>
// Code inside 'components/InputArea.jsx' file:
<form onSubmit={ (e) => {
    setNote({ title: "", content: "" });
} }>

  1. Disconnected the notes.js file from the App component.
  2. Rendered all the notes stored inside the notes array dynamically as separate Note components:
{ => (
    <Note title={note.title} content={note.content} />

  1. Created a function inside the App component to delete any particular note and passed it to its child Note component. Also, modified the map() method to pass the index value as id of each individual Note component, so that it can be used to identify any particular note that needs deletion:
function deleteNote(id) {
    setNotes(prevArray => {
        return prevArray.filter((note, index) => index !== id);
{, index) => (
    <Note key={`SGBPQ${index}`} id={index} onClick={deleteNote} title={note.title} content={note.content} />

  1. Modified the code inside the Note component, so that after receiving props from its parent App component it can use them properly to delete any particular note:
<button onClick={ () => props.onClick(}>DELETE</button>

  1. Added two dependencies from Material-UI using the npm i @material-ui/icons @material-ui/core command from the terminal.
  2. Imported @material-ui/icons/Add, @material-ui/icons/Delete, @material-ui/core/Fab and @material-ui/core/Zoom elements and used them inside corresponding components to improve the UI.
  3. Added another state variable isClicked using React.useState() hook inside InputArea component to manage its custom expansion functionality:
const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useState(false);
<form onSubmit={setIsClicked(false); ....... } ....... />
{isClicked && <input name="title" ....../>}
<textArea name="content" onClick={ () => setIsClicked(true)} rows={isClicked ? "3" : "1"} ......./>
<Zoom in={isClicked}>
    <Fab type="submit"><AddIcon /></Fab>

  1. Added a transparent texture background to the body of the webpage.

Server-side Development:

  1. Created a separate server directory, initialized NPM with npm init -y and installed necessary dependencies using npm i express mongoose cors dotenv command from the terminal.
  2. Created a server.js file and required all the necessary dependencies:
// Require necessary NPM modules:
const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const cors = require("cors");

// Assign an appropriate port for the server to listen:
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

// Initial Middleware setup:
const app = express();
app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: true}));

// Connect to a new MongoDB Database, using Mongoose ODM:

// Create a new collection to store the notes:

// Handle HTTP requests:

// Enable the server to listen to the port:
app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server started on port ${port}`);

  1. Connected the server to a Mongo Atlas database keeperDB and a collection named notes:
// Connect to a new MongoDB Database, using Mongoose ODM:

mongoose.connection.once('open', () => {
  console.log(`Connected to Mongo Atlas Database`);

// Create a new collection to store the notes:
const noteSchema = new mongoose.Schema ({
	title: String,
	content: String
}, {
  timestamps: true

const Note = mongoose.model('Note', noteSchema);

  1. Set API endpoints to handle HTTP GET, POST and DELETE requests:
// Handle HTTP requests:

// Handle 'GET' requests made on the '/' route:
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.json({Connection: "Succesfully Established !"})

// Handle 'GET' requests made on the '/api/notes' route to get all notes:
app.get('/api/notes', (req, res) => {
  Note.find({}, (err, notes) => {
    if(!err) {
    } else {
      res.status(400).json({"error": err});

// Handle 'POST' requests made on the '/api/note/add' route to add a note:'/api/note/add', (req, res) => {
  const note = new Note(req.body); => {
    if(!err) {
    } else {
      res.status(400).json({"error": err});

// Handle 'DELETE' requests made on the '/api/note/delete' route to delete a particular note:
app.delete('/api/note/delete', (req, res) => {
  const id = req.body.objId;
  Note.findByIdAndRemove(id, err => {
    if(!err) {
      res.json(`Deleted note with id: ${id} !`);
    } else {
      res.status(400).json({"error": err});

  1. Deployed the server at
  2. Finally, deployed the frontend portion at


This is a practice project using MERN Stack


Language:JavaScript 61.5%Language:CSS 23.0%Language:HTML 15.4%