Topguw implements Gr-gsm tools in Java and makes possible to use gsm datas directly from Java
First version, still need improvment !
Don't forget to import needed classes
You can easily extract all frames from a specific channel/timeslot/subslot (Decode module)
// set which cell you are working on
Cell cell = new Cell("951360000", 121, "GSM900", "152200");
// set the configuration of the RTL-SDR device
RtlsdrConf conf = new RtlsdrConf(0, 1000000, 0);
// initialize the channel object
Channels broadcast = null;
// prepare the decoder module
Decode dec = new Decode();
try {
// specify informations about what data you want to get
broadcast = dec.getChannel("combined", 0, 0, new File("/root/gsm/testfile.cfile"));
// start extraction of frames (frames will be stored into the broadcast object)
broadcast.start(cell, conf, new String[0]);
// display some data (here frame number 2153976)
System.out.println(broadcast.getRecordedFrames().get(new Integer(2153976)));
} catch (IOException | ChannelError e) {
You can also capture data with your own RTL-SDR device (Capture module)
// specify the destination file where frames will be stored
File dest = new File("/root/sniffing-capturing.test");
// initialize a basic rtlsdr configuration
RtlsdrConf conf = new RtlsdrConf();
// specify the cell you want to sniff
Cell cell = new Cell("936360997", 7, "GSM900", "0");
/* capture options : index[0] 0 means you want to capture from the frequency, 1 means arfcn capture
index[1] 0 means you want to capture into a bursts file, 1 means cfile record
int[] options = {0, 1};
// start the capture
Process result = Capture.captureCell(dest, conf, cell, options);
// capturing 30 seconds
// close process <=> stop sniffing
Finaly you can scan cells around yourself (Scanner module)
// specify information about the scan, gsm bands are same as kalibrate-rtl actually,
// note : you can uses more bands with the Decoder (all bands are in Cell class)
String whichGsm = "GSM900";
RtlsdrConf conf = new RtlsdrConf();
// start the scan and stored Cell object into result
ArrayList<Cell> result = Scanner.scanForCell(whichGsm, conf);
// display founded cells informations -> {