bastianallgeier / kirby3-autoid

Automatic unique ID for Pages, Files and Structures including performant helpers to retrieve them. Bonus: Tiny-URL.

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Kirby 3 AutoID

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Automatic unique ID for Pages, Files and nested Structures including performant helpers to retrieve them. Bonus: Tiny-URL.

  1. Why AutoID
  2. Setup
  3. Usage autoid()
  4. Usage modified()
  5. Tiny-URL
  6. Settings
  7. Changelog

Commercial Usage

This plugin is free (MIT license) but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to


  • unzip as folder site/plugins/kirby3-autoid or
  • git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-autoid or
  • composer require bnomei/kirby3-autoid

Why AutoID

Kirby does not have a persistent unique id for Page- and File-Objects, which could be useful in various situations. Using the $page->id() will not solve this since it changes when the $page->slug() / $page->url() changes, Files could get renamed. What would be needed was a Field defined in Page/File Blueprints where that unique id will be stored and some logic to generate it automatically (using Hooks). Thus the idea of autoid was born.

To sum it up with the AutoID Plugin you can solve problems like these:

  • Automatically get an unique id for each Page/File which has the autoid Field in its Blueprint.
  • Store a reference to a Page/File which does not break if that objects or parents are renamed.
  • Get a Page/File quickly using that reference.



Add a Field named autoid with type hidden to your blueprints. Also set translate: false unless you need different autoids for different languages. More examples can be found here.

  type: fields
      type: textarea
    autoid:             # <-------
      type: hidden
      translate: false      

This Plugin has an optional Field called autoid which is a non-translatable and disabled Text-Field. Use it with type: autoid.


To keep the AutoID value unique you must make the structure non-translatable.

  type: fields
      type: structure
      translate: false      # <-------     
          type: textarea
        autoid:             # <-------
          type: hidden
          translate: false 


You can set a different Generator or define your own using the bnomei.autoid.generator option.


return [
    'bnomei.autoid.generator' => function () {
        // override with custom callback if needed
        return (new \Bnomei\TokenGenerator())->generate();
        // return (new \Bnomei\IncrementingGenerator(0))->generate();
        // return (new \Bnomei\NanoGenerator())->generate();
        // return (new \Bnomei\UUIDGenerator(site()->url()))->generate();
    // ... other options

Get a new AutoID value not in use yet

$autoid = \Bnomei\AutoID::generate(); // null | string
// or
$autoid = autoid();

Usage autoid()

Store a single reference to a File from another Page

  label: File from Download
  type: select
  options: query
    fetch: page("downloads").files
    text: "{{ file.filename }}"
    value: "{{ file.autoid }}"

Store multiple references to child Pages

  label: Special Child
  type: checkboxes
  options: query
    fetch: page.children.filterBy("template", "special")
    text: "{{ page.title }}"
    value: "{{ page.autoid }}"

Store multiple references to StructureObjects from a different Field from another Page

Page 'a'

  label: Define Categories
  type: structure
  translate: false
      type: text
      type: hidden
      translate: false

Page 'b'

  label: Select Categories
  type: checkboxes
  options: query
    fetch: page('a').categories.toStructure
    text: "{{ structureItem.title }}"
    value: "{{ structureItem.autoid }}"

Find Page/File-Object in PHP

$autoid = 'any-autoid-value';

$result = autoid($autoid); // global helper function
// or
$result = $page->myFieldWithAutoIDReference()->fromAutoID(); // fieldMethod

if(is_a($result, 'Kirby\Cms\Page')) {
    // got a Page
} else if(is_a($result, 'Kirby\Cms\File')) {
    // got a File

Create a Page/File programmatically and retrieve autoid

Right after creating a Page/File programmatically the $object->autoid()->value() will be empty since the page.create:after/file.create:after hook triggered an update-hook but the Page/File-Object returned by createChild()/createFile() can not reflect this yet. But you can use the autoid() helper to retrieve the autoid from the database based on the id of your Page/File-Object.

$page = $parent->createChild($yourProps);
// return page.create:after but not [=> autoid => $page->update(...)] 
$willBeEmpty = $page->autoid()->value(); 
// but
$autoid = autoid($page->id());
// or
$autoid = autoid($page);

$file = $page->createFile($yourFileProps);
$willBeEmpty = $file->autoid()->value();
// but
$autoidOfFile = autoid($file->id());
// or
$autoidOfFile = autoid($file);

ATTENTION: This only works in version 2 of this plugin.

Usage modified()

The modified() helper lets you retrieve the modified timestamp from the AutoID database without requiring the file to be checked on disk. It even works for Collections of Pages/Files that have Objects with and without an autoid.

// string
$modified = modified($autoid); // null or int
// array of strings
$modified = modified([$autoid1, $autoid2, $autoid3]); // null or int

Kirby will retrieve the modified timestamp for all files in a collection in reading them from the disk, but the modified() helper is still a nice way to get the max value easily.

// collection object
$modified = modified(site()->pages()->index()); // null or int


echo $page->url(); //
echo $page->autoid()->value(); // 8j5g64hh
echo $page->tinyurl(); //


bnomei.autoid. Default Description
generator callback alphanumeric hash value generator (~2.8 trillion possibilites)
generator.break 42 try max n-times to generate and verify uniqueness of hash
tinyurl.url callback returning site()->url(). Use htaccess on that domain to redirect RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301]
tinyurl.folder x Tinyurl format: yourdomain/{folder}/{hash}


This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please create a new issue.



It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.


inspired by the following Kirby 2 Plugins:


Automatic unique ID for Pages, Files and Structures including performant helpers to retrieve them. Bonus: Tiny-URL.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.4%Language:JavaScript 0.6%