bastiaanzapf / hsvimage

HSV images in gnu octave

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HSV images in gnu octave

This is code for an .oct file to process HSV images. It's not well tested yet, however it does the job.

Compile by:

$ mkoctfile

Then use it:

$ octave octave:1> image(hsvimage(exp(linspace(-1,0.9,100)'.+(linspace(0,2*pi,100)*J))))

There are three input modes:

hsvimage(A) with A being a complex matrix hsvimage(A) with A being a three dimensional real array with third dimension 3 containing H, S and V values hsvimage(H,S,V) with three two dimensional real matrices

The return value will be a three dimensional real array of R, G and B values.

There is some error processing.


HSV images in gnu octave


Language:C++ 100.0%