This is a port of JamomaMax library to Puredata. For reference, it's based on
##Quickstart - 3 steps ####1 - Download the Jamoma library for Pure Data You can found nightly-builds on this page. ####2 - Move the Jamoma library to the Pd's externals folder Move the Jamoma folder to the Pd's folder, depending on your plateform :
on Linux~/Library/Pd
on Mac OS (create it if it doesn't exists)%AppData%\Pd\
on Windows
####3 - Load the Jamoma library on startup
To add a library at startup on Pd-extended, go to Preferences and add in the "Startup flag" (or something like that) field : -lib Jamoma
If you are using Pd Vanilla (and I encourage you to do so), go to Preferences->Startup, add a new and type Jamoma
If Jamoma loads it prints something like on the Pd's console. If you don't see that, Jamoma is not loaded.
Jamoma for Pd version ..- - 88aea77 |
build on Apr 16 2015 at 22:06:34
##Building This part is for developpers who wants to build from source.
You need CMake > 3.0 to build Jamoma and JamomaPureData.
There are several submodules that need to be updated before build. Then the build process is straightforward :
git clone --recursive --depth 1
cd JamomaPureData
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PWD}/JamomaInstall
make install
To build with ninja / clang, from the cmake step ;
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PWD}/JamomaInstall
ninja install
After the install step you should have a working package located at JamomaInstall/jamoma/JamomaPd/Jamoma
. You can then follow steps 2 and 3 from the Quickstart section above.
If you want to get involved in development then you may want to have a package with versionned files, so every changes in help for instance will appear in your versionning tool. For that, I sugguest to copy the package from JamomaInstall/jamoma/JamomaPd/Jamoma
and erase the Jamoma
folder at the root of the repository. Then make a symlink to that directory into your Pd externals folder with (for Linux) :
cp -R JamomaInstall/jamoma/JamomaPd/Jamoma .
ln -s ${PWD}/Jamoma ~/pd-externals
Pd-vanilla is now a submodule of JamomaPuredata. By default it will build against the last tested Pd version.
If you want to build against another version or if you are building for Windows platform and need a DLL to link to, then you can override the Pd source folder with -DPD_MAIN_PATH=/path/to/pd/
On Mac OS X, you will find the Pd source directory inside the application bundle, it should look like : /Applications/
For more informations on CMake build system, please see the Building with CMake page on Jamoma wiki.
You may also be interessed in How to debug JamomaPuredata on Mac OS X.
This have been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit and Mac OS X 10.9 with Pd vanilla 0.46-6 64bit and Pd-extended 0.43-4.