basilstotz / oscrecorder

A Set of Tools to Record and Playback OSC-messages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



When one would like to record sceenes working with Open Sound Control there are two main issues:

  • The OSC messages do not contain information of the used network parameters, such as the used ip address and port number.
  • When using more than one OSC client (udp-sender), there is no way to synchronize the messages.



  usage: oscrecord [options] filename
options: -h, --help : show this message

         Reads lines from stdin and writes them unaltered to stdout
         and to <filename>.


  usage: oscplay [options] filename
options: -h, --help                : show this message
         -s, --speed <speed>       : replay speed (default: 1.0)
         -l, --loop                : loops forever
         Read osc messages from <filename> and write them, using the same timing
	 when recorded, to stdout.


  usage: oscemit [options] /route1[@path1] host1:port1 [[ /route2[@path2] host2:port2 ] ... ]

options: -h, --help                    : displays this help message
         -v, --verbose                 : prints diagnostics
	 -t, --timeoffset <timeoffset> : scedules messages <timeoffset> ms it the future [defalult=100]  
         -m, --messages                : do not send bundles, do sen messages.
         Reads messages or arbirarly nested bundles from stdin and sends all found messages 
	 matching /route/path, discarding the /route part, as bundles to host:port.
	 Use a  "/ hostN:portN" (as the last argument) for a catch all route.
         The options are always saved in ~/.oscemit.json and are applied, when oscroute
         is called without arguments. It is possible to directly edit ~/.oscemit.json .


  usage: osclisten [options] port1[:/route1] [[ port2[:/route2] ] ... ]

options: -h, --help     : displays this help message
         -v, --verbose  : prints diagnostics
         -n, --nodelay  : do not delay bundles, pass them tru

         Listen for messages or arbitraly nested bundles on all given ports
         and writes all found messages as bundles to stdout. When a message
	 is received, the current time will be used as timetag.

         When a </route> is given, </route/> is prependend to the address on every 
	 message incomming at this port.

         As default bundles are delayed, when the timetag lyes in the future,
         but when the option --nodelay is given the output is instantly.

         The arguments are always saved in ~/.osclisten.json and are applied, when
         osclisten is called without arguments. It is possible to directly
         edit ~/.osclisten.json .


Basic Usage

Listen on port 8008 for OSC messages and write then to stdout:

osclisten 8008

The output can bu used for inspection or it can be piped to oscrecord.

osclisten 8008 | oscreord record.osc

This will listen on port 8008 for OSC messages and record the message on file record.osc. The messages are also written to stdout. This can be used for inspection or it can be piped to oscemit:

osclisten 8008 | oscreord record.osc | oscemit /

This will record the messages in file record.osc and additionaly send then to host on port 9000.

To playback the recorded messages in file record.osc to host on port 9000 use:

oscplay record.osc | oscemit /






A Set of Tools to Record and Playback OSC-messages


Language:JavaScript 93.2%Language:Shell 5.5%Language:Makefile 1.3%