basiliscos / perl-Protocol-FIX

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NAME Protocol::FIX

Build status codecov


use Protocol::FIX;

my $proto = Protocol::FIX->new('FIX44')->extension('t/data/extension-sample.xml');

my $serialized = $proto->serialize_message('IOI', [
        SenderCompID => 'me',
        TargetCompID => 'you',
        MsgSeqNum    => 1,
        SendingTime  => '20090107-18:15:16',
        IOIID        => 'abc',
        IOITransType => 'CANCEL',
        IOIQty       => 'LARGE',
        Side         => 'BORROW',
        Instrument => [
            Symbol  => 'EURUSD',
            EvntGrp => [ NoEvents => [ [EventType => 'PUT'], [EventType => 'CALL'], [EventType => 'OTHER'] ] ],
        OrderQtyData  => [
            OrderQty => '499',
# managed fields (BeginString, MsgType, and CheckSum) are handled automatically,
# no need to provide them

my ($message_instance, $error) = $proto->parse_message(\$serialized);
print("No error on parsing message");
print "Message, ", $message_instance->name, " / ", $message_instance->category, "\n";

print "Field 'SenderCompID' value: ", $message_instance->value('SenderCompID'), "\n";

print "Component 'OrderQtyData' access: ",
    $message_instance->value('OrderQtyData')->value('OrderQty'), "\n";

my $group = $message_instance->value('Instrument')->value('EvntGrp')->value('NoEvents');
print "0th group 'NoEvents' of component 'Instrument/EvntGrp' access: ",
    $group->[0]->value('EventType'), "\n";

my $buff = '';
($message_instance, $error) = $proto->parse_message(\$buff);
# no error nor message_instance, as there is no enough data.

See also the "eg" folder for sample of FIX-server.


new($class, $version)

Creates new protocol instance for the specified FIX protocol version. Currently shipped version is 'FIX44'.

The xml with protocol definition was taken at

humanize ($buffer)

Returns human-readable string for the buffer. I.e. is just substitutes SOH to " | ".

This might be usable during development of own FIX-client/server.


Checks whether the supplied $object conforms "composte" concept. I.e. is it is Field, LGroup, Component or Mesassage.

Not for end-user usage.

field_by_name($self, $field_name)

Returns Field object by it's name or dies with error.

Not for end-user usage.

field_by_number($self, $field_number)

Returns Field object by it's number or dies with error.

Not for end-user usage.

component_by_name($self, $name)

Returns Component object by it's name or dies with error.

Not for end-user usage.

message_by_name($self, $name)

Returns Message object by it's name or dies with error.


Returns Message's header

Not for end-user usage.


Returns Message's trailer

Not for end-user usage.


Returns Protocol's ID string, as it appears in FIX message (BeginString field).

Not for end-user usage.


Returns list of fields, managed by protocol. Currently the list consists of fields: BeginString, MsgType, and CheckSum

Not for end-user usage.

serialize_message($self, $message_name, $payload)

Returns serialized string for the supplied $message_name and $payload. Dies in case of end-user (developer) error, e.g. if mandatory field is absent.

parse_message($self, $buff_ref)

my ($message_instance, $error) = $protocol->parse($buff_ref);

Tries to parse FIX message in the buffer refernce.

In the case of success it returns MessageInstance and $error is undef. The string in $buff_ref will be consumed.

In the case of protocol error, the $message_instance will be undef, and $error will contain the error description. The string in $buff_ref will be kept untouched.

In the case, when there is no enough data in $buff_ref both $error and $message_instance will be undef. The string in $buff_ref will be kept untouched, i.e. waiting futher accumulation of bytes from network.

In other cases it dies; that indicates either end-user (developer) error or bug in the module.

extension($self, $extension_path)

Modifies the protocol, by loading XML extension.

The extension might contain additional messages or fields. The extenation XML should conform the format as the protocol definition itself, i.e.:

<fix type='FIX' major='4' minor='4' servicepack='0'>
                <message name='Logon' msgtype='A' msgcat='admin'>
                        <field name='EncryptMethod' required='Y' />
                        <field name='HeartBtInt' required='Y' />
                        <field name='ResetSeqNumFlag' required='N' />
                        <field name='Username' required='N' />
                        <field name='Password' required='N' />
                        <field name='AwesomeField' required='Y' />
                <field number='33000' name='AwesomeField' type='STRING' />



Language:Perl 100.0%