basile-henry / pi

Pi Approximator uses randomness to estimate what the value of pi is. It uses the fact that the probability for a random point inside the square to be also in the circle is equal to pi/4.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pi Approximator

Pi Approximator uses randomness to estimate what the value of pi is. It uses the fact that the probability for a random point inside the square to be also in the circle is equal to pi/4.
It is a very unprecise and slow way to calculate pi, the project's goal was mainly to practice html/javascript.

Check it out here.

Hint: Speed up the process by using the slider!


Pi Approximator uses randomness to estimate what the value of pi is. It uses the fact that the probability for a random point inside the square to be also in the circle is equal to pi/4.


Language:HTML 45.5%Language:JavaScript 31.6%Language:CSS 23.0%