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Findings during code refactoring

I could write a lot of thing for each and every BookingRepository method as well as some BookingController method. However, I would just highlight a few things for now.

  1. BookingRepository is quite generic name for a repository. What kind of bookings it works with? Does it saves Flights, Jobs, Orders or what? I would not be able to understand from it's name unless I see/go through all of it's methods. I would rather create a specific repository for each specific type to avoid confusions. e.g JobRepository to work with jobs.

  2. I see the controller does interact with database. e.g Queries job data in distanceFeed method of BookingController. It should just pass the relevant information required by repository to query the database.

  3. Laravel already provides a way of FormRequest to validate incoming request so validating them inside the Controller itself is just not making use of one it's great feature.

  4. All methods inside BookingRepository are so hard to read and understand due to their length and IF-ELSE hell. Definitely none of the methods are worth approving during PR review.

  5. The getUsersJobs method of BookingRepository causes n+1 SQL problem.

Violation Of SOLID Principle

  1. The "S"(single responsibility) says:

A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

This so obvious that even if a junior developer would just read the definition and then go through this code would definitely find it. e.g What's the purpose of a controller? Should it pass the data to the relevant models/repositories or should it also interact with database? The BookingRepository also has a method userLoginFailed which clearly is something related to authentication and has nothing to do with BookingRepository itself.

  1. The "O" (Open/Closed Principle) in SOLID says:

an entity should be open for extensions but close for modification.

It's almost violated in many places, but I would give an example of getPotentialJobIdsWithUserId method inside BookingRepository. This method would definitely change in the future again many times everytime we add/remove a translator type which clearly violates the Open for extension and close for modification principle.

  1. The "L"(Liskove substitution) in SOLID says:

Ability to replace any instance of a parent class with any an instance of it's child class.

I do not see any violation of this at the moment since we just have a few classes.

  1. The "I"(Inversion of Control) in SOLID says:

Objects do not create other objects on which they rely to do their work.

This is also violated clearly as the Logger, FirePHPHandler and StreamHandler is initialized in BookingRepository but rather injected. This tightly couples Logger and other classes.

  1. The "D"(Depedency inversion principle) says:

High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

The principle is also violated because BookingRepository is tightly coupled to Monolog\Logger so if any dependency in the Logger constructor changes, it would clearly break our application. In order to decouple, we should inject an interface which is implemented by Monolog\Logger. This would also avoid any issues in the future if the default Logger for Laravel changes from Monolog to anything else.



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