bashbunni / dotfiles

My config/dotfiles for tmux, nvim, i3, bla bla bla, nerd things.

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file name mistake?

jacobsayono opened this issue · comments

hi is there a reason why your file name in dotfiles/.config/nvim/ is called .init.cim instead of .init.vim?

i am also having trouble running the :PlugInstall command in nvim (following your nvim setup tutorial on youtube)
i have already installed the plugin from

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'

there is a plug.vim in my ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload directory

but i still can't run the :PlugInstall command ):

i don't seem to see a folder called autoload in your .config/nvim/ folder
even thought you use the path call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/autoload/') in your .init.vim

i also notice that when i run vim in terminal
it runs neovim v0.4
but i can also run 'nvim' in terminal
that runs neovim v0.9

both runs neovim (wth?)
Screenshot from 2022-11-23 19-51-09

here's :checkhealth for neovim v0.9
Screenshot from 2022-11-23 19-54-35

thank you so much for helping!

update: removed vim from /usr/bin
now i only have nvim from /usr/local/bin

i also tried deleting all nvim related files in root (and cloned repo), reinstalled:
Screenshot from 2022-11-23 22-53-02

i didn't clone your .config file yet, and it seems like :PlugInstall won't run even though the plugin is still installed.

Do you have an any error at all when you load nvim ?