barryWhiteHat / snarkWrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

snarkWrapper: zksnarks on ethereum helper

A snarkWrapper that takes two files vk.json and pk.json and deploys a contract verifys the proof in pk.json with the vk.json.

Using snarkWrapper

The intention is the include this a submodule in a project and to add your required contracts in a fork of the base. The libary expects to find vk.json and pk.json in the parent directory in a folder called zksnark_element.


npm install

place in a directory where ../zksnark_element contains proof.json and vk.json containg vk.json and proof.json. See examples folder.

To deploy and test verifcation do node deploy.js with an ethereum node running on the default port



Language:JavaScript 100.0%